daily links: january 2017

Fox News—Charles Manson hospitalized
CNN.com—New York governor proposes free tuition at all public colleges for residents whose families make less than $125,000
NBC News—Mark Zuckerberg proclaims that he is no longer an atheist
CBS News—Megyn Kelly leaves Fox and signs new deal with NBC
USA Today—Janet Jackson gives birth to baby boy at age 50
BBC News—Couple whose daughter was killed in a car accident where the other driver was using FaceTime sues Apple

NBC News—Marijuana legalizaton advocates to hand out joints at Trump inauguration
USA Today—French workers now have the right to ignore work emails outside of normal business hours
Fox News—California hires former AG Holder to help the state fight Trump administration
CBS News—Scientists upgrade connective tissue around our digestive tract to organ status
CNN.com—Lego introducing new kit that will teach kids how to code
ABCnews.com—More than 100 injured when commuter train derails in Brooklyn

CNN.com—Three women become first females to join a Marine infantry battalion
ABCnews.com—Masschusetts will require Uber and Lyft to perform criminal background checks on all their drivers
CBS News—US government issues new guidelines aimed at preventing peanut allergies in children
NBC News—Owner of Japanese chain of sushi resaurants pays $632,000 for a single 466 pound bluefin tuna
Fox News—High school principal in Kentucky admits stealing nude images off of students' seized phones so he could trade them online
USA Today—Tucker Carlson to replace Megyn Kelly on Fox

CNN.com—Former soldier opens fire at Ft. Lauderdale airport, killing five and wounding several more
NBC News—US intelligence agencies agree that DNC hacking scandal was not only done by Russia in an attempt to sway our election, but that it was ordered by Putin himself
USA Today—Sears closing 150 more stores and selling off its Craftsman brand
ABCnews.com—The Penn State sex abuse scandal has cost the university close to a quarter of a billion dollars
CBS News—Experimental glass penny from WWII sells at auction for $70,000
Fox News—New army regulations will allow soldiers to wear turbans, hijabs, and beards for religious purposes

ABCnews.com—Trump's cabinet picks are not completing their disclosure processes before the start of their confirmation hearings
USA Today—Uber to share travel-time data with cities for free
CNN.com—Trump drops inauguration announcer who has done every inauguration since Eisenhower
NBC News—Apple CEO's compensation reduced after company does not meet its sales targets for the year
Fox News—China forces Apple to remove the New York Times app from the Chinese version of its app store
CBS News—Steelers assistant coach arrested after altercation with police

CBS News—Our moon may have been formed by many mini moons clumping together
CNN.com—Trump hires his son in law to be a senior advisor
USA Today—Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to resign from Yahoo after sale to Verizon is completed
BBC News—U2 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Joshua Tree by playing the full album on tour
Fox News—Apple's iPhone celebrates its 10th anniversary
NBC News—Chevy's new all-electric car, the Bolt, named Car of the Year

BBC News—The Coen brothers working on their first tv series
USA Today—Members of Microsoft's online saftey team sue the company, saying their jobs required them to view videos of murder and child porn
Fox News—Los Angeles college forced to pay $28,000 to hackers who had locked them out of their systems
NBC News—Volkswagen to pay $4.3 billion to settle criminal charges in emissions scandal
CNN.com—George Lucas museum coming to Los Angeles after Chicago activist group blocked his attempt to build there
CBS News—U2 decide to delay the release of their new album because of Trump's presidential victory

NBC News—Passing motorist shoots and kills gunman who ambushed Arizona state trooper
BBC News—San Diego Chargers to relocate to Los Angeles, giving the city two NFL franchises after decades with none
Fox News—Astronomers spot two stars on a collision course that should produce a spectacular explosion sometime between 2021 and 2023
CNN.com—Nintendo announces release date and price for its newest gaming platform, the Switch
USA Today—Bo Jackson reveals that, if he had a chance to do it over again, he would never have played football
CBS News—Obama awards Joe Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom

CNN.com—Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis says that Trump is not a legitimate president
USA Today—The NBA is considering shortening games
CBS News—Exorcist author dies at 89
Fox News—Dark streaks in the clouds of Venus could be evidence of microbial alien life
BBC News—New coin from the US Mint will be the first American currency to feature a black woman
NBC News—JetBlue now offers free wifi on all flights

USA Today—Ringling Bros. Circus to shut down in 2017 after 146 years in operation
ABCnews.com—Hidden figures wins the US box office for the second week in a row
CNN.com—The last man to walk on the moon dies at 82
CBS News—Study finds that eating spicy foods may help you live longer
Fox News—Super Bowl ticket prices plummet after Cowboys eliminated from the playoffs
NBC News—LucasFilm says it won't digitally recreate Carrie Fisher in future Star Wars films

CNN.com—Obama commutes the remainder of Chelsea Manning's 35 year sentence for leaking classified material
USA Today—Fired IT worker wants $200,000 to give the password to a critical system to his former employer
Fox News—Female leopard shark who has been alone in captivity for years gives virgin birth and may be the key to saving her species
NBC News—Study estimates that 18 million Americans will lose their health coverage if the ACA is repealed without a replacement
CBS News—Airbus plans to have working prototype of a flying, self-driving car by 2018
BBC News—British tobacco giant buying US rival Reynolds to create world's largest tobacco company

Fox News—Ambulances in Sweden will be able to take over car radios during emergencies
NBC News—Pixar seems to confirm fan theory that all of their movies take place in the same universe
USA Today—Amazon to test accepting food stamps for online grocery orders
ABCnews.com—Paul McCartney suing Sony over Beatles copyrights
CBS News—Shark Tank star says he will run against for head of his country's Conservative party
CNN.com—McDonald's introducing two new sizes for the Big Mac, the Grand Mac and the Mac Jr.

CBS News—Donald Trump sworn in as the 45th president of the United States
NBC News—Labor Department sues Oracle, claiming a systematic pattern of paying white males more than other employees with the same job titles
CNN.com—Drug kingpin El Chapo extradited to the United States from Mexico
ABCnews.com—Scientist names species of moth after Donald Trump, saying the scale pattern on its head reminded him of Trump's hairdo
USA Today—Walmart sued for firing employee with Down syndrome
Fox News—Jack Nicholson reportedly retires from acting

CNN.com—Star Wars Episode VIII will be titled The Last Jedi
USA Today—Atlanta and New England advance to the Super Bowl
CBS News—Court blocks Aetna's $34 billion purchase of Humana
Fox News—Study finds that running may actually make knees more resilient
NBC News—Trump freezes most federal hiring and pulls the US out of the TPP
ABCnews.com—Stephen Colbert to host this year's Emmys

ABCnews.com—UK court rules that Parliament must vote on Brexit befoe formal proceedings begin to leave the EU
BBC News—This year's Oscar nominations released
CBS News—Authorities find $20 million in cash inside a box spring as part of pyramid scheme investigation
USA Today—Ben Roethlisberger may be considering retirement
CNN.com—Verizon buys 33% of Tidal music streaming service
NBC News—Some hotel guests refusing rooms that have a view of a Trump hotel

CNN.com—Trump signs order preventing anyone from a list of seven countries from entering the US, which is almost immediately challenged in court
ABCnews.com—Breitbart News head Steve Bannon to be at every meeting of the National Security Council, while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intellgence will come on an invitation-only basis
USA Today—Airbnb offers free housing to refugees affected by Trump's ban
CBS News—Protesters across the US converge on airports to state their opposition to Trump's ban on refugees
NBC News—Trump's ban on non-citizens traveling from certain countries may also include US Permanent Residents
Fox News—Canadian Prime Minister says his country will welcome refugees turned away from the US by Trump's new immigration policy

ABCnews.com—Acting US AG says Trump's immigration ban is illegal
CNN.com—Trump wants to overhaul Wall Street reform bill. Gee, I wonder if it will be business-friendly or consumer-friendly?
NBC News—Canadian college student opens fire at mosque in Quebec, killing six and wounding many more
USA Today—Volkswagen surpasses Toyota to become the world's largest automaker
Fox News—Candy cane striped hermit crab discovered in the Caribbean
CBS News—Hidden magnets in bicycle wheels the latest way to cheat in cycling

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