daily links: may 2001

ZDNet—Microsoft could delay Windows XP until next year, focusing instead on the release of the Xbox
King5.com—Bill Gates was top residential water user for Seattle last year
Wired News—San Francisco will help pay for sex changes for city employees
USA Today—Hasbro releases Pox, a new game about spreading viruses
ABCnews.com—NASA contacts 29 year old Pioneer 10 probe, estimated to be 7 billion miles from Earth
New Scientist—Dolphins demonstrate the ability to recgonize their reflections in mirrors, a trait previously shown only in humans and primates

Excite News—In what is becoming a Silicon Valley trend, Adobe is forcing its entire staff to take a week off in order to save money
ZDNet—As Flash use on web sites increases, so does the tension between gaudy design and usability
Salon.com—CNN's recent use of a videophone to grab exclusive videos has other news organizations scrambling to purchase them
Wired News—Is MLB.com really ready for the big leagues? Even some of the paying customers to its new subscription service can't get access to the games.
CNN.com—Ukraine becoming new hotbed for digital piracy
New Scientist—Genetically modified tomato could help prevent cancer and heart disease

Salon.com—Tapes of a Georgia execution are aired
ZDNet—Apple planning to phase out tube monitors and sell flat panel displays exclusively
Wired News—Performance artists in NYC use humor to protest the increasing use of surveilance cameras in public places
New Scientist—A hover platform that can take off and land vertically will help save lives in high rise fires and other emergencies
MSNBC—The rising popularity of sushi may mean a decline in the art of creating it
Seattle Times—Facing a class action suit from vegetarians, McDonald's admits that it cooks its fries in beef fat, but never claimed that they were appropriate for vegetarians

zefrank.com—This has been around for a while, but there's still some really funny stuff here
Salon.com—WWII memorial plans on hold again
Wired News—Genetically modified mustard plant could be first step towards colonizing Mars
New Scientist—Cheap, easy-to-make radio wave weapons can be devastating to electronic systems
CNN.com—The life of a game tester
ZDNet—Lucent scientists charged with selling secrets to China

Salon.com—Gore Vidal to attend McVeigh execution; says he shares some similar views with the bomber who he calls intelligent and not insane
Fox News—US Army to switch to tungsten-based ammunition that is more accurate and better for the environment than the current lead slugs
ZDNet—Despite doubts, Microsoft claims it will launch Windows XP on October 29
Scientific American—New high-speed torpedos being developed around the concept of supercavitation
Not Faked—A site aiming to refute the idea put forth on a recent Fox special that the moon landings were faked
CNN.com—US resumes surveillance flights off of China's coast

Wired News—Scientists hope that putting the human genome on a silicon chip will lead to faster discoveries for genetic therapies
New Scientist—A study of abnormal mice may reveal why evolution decided on five fingers instead of six or more
Salon.com—Giuliani's wife wants his mistress banned from the mayor's mansion
Excite News—Although a basic first class stamp will stay the same (for now), the USPS has again increased postal rates for many other services
ZDNet—Apple to open first retail store in McLean, VA
Red Herring—MarchFirst a case study in the dotcom slowdown

Sandia National Laboratories—An image gallery of near-microscopic bugs crawling around on nanotechnology devices
Wired News—With the demise of Quokka, the organizers of the Salt Lake Olympics are looking for a new company to webcast the games
ZDNet—Sony updates the Aibo
Salon.com—Are we really heading for an energy crisis? Maybe, if Bush keeps up his doom and gloom rhetoric and emphasis on consumption over conservation
New Scientist—Researchers want to try and grow genetically modified plants in a greenhouse on Mars to find out more about soil conditions
CNN.com—Animal cyborgs could revolutionize scientific research

Wired News—Will OS X's new open source Unix core make Macs more vulnerable to hackers?
Salon.com—Norwegian programmers use pigeons to send packets of data
Chicago Sun-Times—Next Real World episode to be filmed in Chicago
New Scientist—According to one interpretation of the genome, only 50 people may be the ancestors of all of Europe
Washington Post—Physics professor at UVA writes program to identify cheaters
USA Today—Discussion of the coming battle between PS2, Xbos, and GameCube

Industry Standard—A history of @
CNN.com—XFL finally put to rest
ZDNet—IBM planning to push PowerPC chip to 2 GHz by end of 2002
New Scientist—A new paint could help engineers identify stress points caused by vibration on bridges, leading to lighter, more efficient structures
Salon.com—Do annual standardized tests really improve education?
Space.com—New telescopes allow scientists to see beneath Venus's clouds

Excite News—Coppola releases 3 hour + version of Apocalypse Now
Wired News—200 well-preserved corpses on display in Berlin exhibit
Salon.com—Douglas Adams dead at 49
ZDNet—Microsoft's new licensing scheme will force big businesses to upgrade to XP by October or pay dearly later
New Scientist—Live bacteria have been cultured from a meteorite
USA Today—Man with five wives goes on trial for polygamy in Utah

Salon.com—Sony to team with AOL to add online component to PS2
Wired News—For once, Microsoft may be doing something to help users protect their privacy
USA Today—Palm slashes price of its web-enabled handheld
New Scientist—Douglas Adams memorialized by having an asteroid named for him
ZDNet—Microsoft changes its mind and says it will support USB 2.0 in Windows XP
CNN.com—New high-tech gear helps border agents identify drug shipments

Excite News—Coast Guard seizes several tons of cocaine in largest seizure ever
ZDNet—Some thoughts on how electronic paper will change our lives
Tekken Torture Tournament—So you think you're better at Tekken than the other guy? Are you willing to endure electric shocks if you're wrong? (Yes, this is for real)
BBC News—Unexplained changes in the trajectories of our deep space probes could lead to a new understanding of gravity
Space.com—Scientists attempt to use the moon as a high energy neutrino detector
CNN.com—Scott Bakula (of Quantum Leap fame) signs on as the next Enterprise captain in the new Star Trek series

CNN.com—Michael Stipe officially comes out of the closet (although I'm trying to figure out who didn't know this already)
The Empire That Was Russia—Color photographs of the Russian countryside taken in the early 1900s
Disturbing Auctions—Another site in the "Who Would Buy That?" vein
Columbia Journalism Review—Who owns what? A fairly comprehensive list of the major media companies and their holdings
IBM—The new USB memory key has an 8MB chip that plugs into any USB port. A little pricey, but pretty cool nonetheless.
Tranquility—A soothing, non-goal oriented game (Mac only)

Wired News—Microsoft announces official release date for Xbox
New Scientist—Celera, the company that took half the credit for sequencing the human genome, faces charges from the scientific community that its data is flawed
Washington Post—Another article on the increasing popularity of web logs
ZDNet—Taking their cue from the Blair Witch Project, film studios are creating elaborate web sites to market films
Red Herring—Smart glass isn't quite ready for prime time, but in a few years it could be everywhere
San Francisco Chronicle—Which books are most frequently stolen from libraries

Salon.com—It's official—Western civilization has fallen
The Icehouse Game—Self-described Martian chess set
CNN.com—Could an extended drought associated with the solar cycles have doomed the Maya?
Washington Post—Most people don't realize how much information is collected on them every day
New Scientist—Earliest form of life on Earth could have been a self-replicating molecule
ZDNet—Microsoft faces accusations that it is trying to use its .NET initiative to monopolize the web

Director Online—Sony to integrate Flash player into PS2
Wired News—Artist uses scanned reproductions of photographs to question authorship and artistic ownership in the digital age
ZDNet—IBM's "pixie dust" project could soon produce hard drives that can store 100 GB per square inch
Salon.com—Lesbian elected prom king in Washington state
New Scientist—Soothing images can reduce pain in unpleasant medical procedures
CNN.com—Australian scientists propose biodegradable cars made out of hemp

Salon.com—Iranian woman stoned to death for starring in pornographic film
Wired News—Frenzied registrations for new .biz domain names begin
ZDNet—Nintendo's Game Cube to be priced at $199, $100 less than rivals Xbox and PS2
USA Today—Afghanistan's Muslim Taliban rulers declare that all Hindus must wear ID tags to distinguish them from Muslims, in a chilling reprisal of Hitler's labeling of Jews with yellow stars
MSNBC—AOL to raise rates
Columbus Dispatch—Disgruntled tax payer sends in peanuts as payment

ABCnews.com—Pizza Hut pays $1 million to videotape Russian cosmonaut eating first pizza in space
Salon.com—Stories of Clinton staffers trashing the White House on their way out were largely fabricated
Scientific American—Robotic fly is helping scientists understand insect flight
Wired News—Web site for the White House suffers denial of service attack
New Scientist—A new fast food restaurant could ruin the view from one of the world's foremost observatories
CNN.com—Senator's defection from the Republican power could shift the balance of power in the Senate

Wired News—New "smart dust" sensors could help regulate energy usage more efficiently
Salon.com—Several quality players in all four of the major sports are homosexuals, but none have come out yet. When will the gays get their Jackie Robinson?
CNN.com—Massachusetts considers Daylight Savings Time year round
ZDNet—Company that offers insurance against hackers charges extra for companies that run Windows NT servers
ABCnews.com—Supreme Court says that Casey Martin can use a cart in golf tournaments
USA Today—Web sites increasing using "mouse trapping" as a way to prevent visitors from leaving their sites

The Museum of e-Failures—Archiving screenshots of now-defunct dotcoms
Salon.com—The X-10 wireless standard makes it cheap and easy to create a smart house
CNN.com—Your instant messages can be read by others and even used to track your physical location
San Jose Mercury News—Hospital offers personalized domain name to newborns
Yahoo! News—Two artists squabbling over who owns the copyright to the "bra ball" concept
Space.com—Robot designed to explore Antarctica could eventually be used to gather information on other planets

Salon.com—Review of Myst III: Exile
Wired News—How do companies deal with incoming mail and email for recently laid-off employees?
CNN.com—Another sign that the Apocalypse is near: Prince declares that he is now a Jehovah's Witness
Business 2.0—Is the oft-derided infomercial finally gaining respectability?
MSNBC—Fox uses geocaching to promote the new Planet of the Apes film
New Scientist—Paper money is home to many kinds of bacteria and pathogens
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