daily links: june 2002

Salon.com—Supreme Court justices reveal their finances. The Clarence Thomas report seems a little suspect to me.
CNN.com—McVeigh's attorneys file his will
New Scientist—Genetically modified potatoes repel one type of pest but end up attracting another
MSNBC—Boy band member given clearance for space flight this fall
C|NET—The British government wants Amazon's UK division to be more accommodating about returned merchandise
Scientific American—Study finds that organic farms are more efficient and fertile

Wired News—Outburst by Ted Turner at an AOL Time Warner board meeting last year led to ouster of chairman
USA Today—German government chooses Linux over Microsoft
CNN.com—Bank robber mistakenly tries to hijack an unmarked police car
Fox News—Air Force jet parts auctioned off on eBay
ZDNet—Dotcom firm wants web sites to pay it royalties for pop-under ads. While I like the idea that this might kill the pop-under, this is total bullshit, because pop-unders are nothing more than simple JavaScript.
ABCnews.com—Bush administration admits that mankind is the cause of the current global warming trend, but still rejects the Kyoto treaty that was signed by the US before his presidency

CNN.com—Air Force Lt. Colonel suspended for criticizing Bush
USA Today—Apple begins selling its 17" screen eMac outside the educational market
ZDNet—Ralph Nader tells Bush administration that they can lessen Microsoft's monopolistic power by choosing other vendors for government software needs
Reuters—Aggressive dolphin has been trying to mate with female human swimmers off the coast of England
MSNBC—USPS will begin testing Segways in 6 cities
ABCnews.com—Maverick records is providing MP3s of new records for low prices in an attempt to discourage piracy

Wired News—Norwegian government asks hackers for help after one of its top officials dies without leaving behind a list of his passwords to vital documents and systems
ZDNet—Mozilla, the open source version of Netscape using the Gekko engine, is finally released at version 1.0
Oceans Atlas—UN unveils site which allows visitors to monitor the world's oceans
MSNBC—Following recent deals for a second season, a CD, and two books, the Osbournes are set to release a slew of merchandise on retail outlets. Hasn't Sharon ever heard of overexposure?
ABCnews.com—Australian scientists devise protein injection that causes wool to detach from sheep, saving the time of having to shear them
BBC News—Oasis member is considering doing an Osbournes-style show

CNN.com—ABC bleeps the word "Jesus"
Wired News—Journalism school to teach weblogging course
Salon.com—R.J. Reynolds fined $20 million for tobacco ads that targeted teens
USA Today—BMW to continue its mini-movie online ads
Fox News—Amish fined for not putting reflectors on their buggies
ABCnews.com—Senator skips a hearing to protest the flood of recent appearances by members of the entertainment industry

ZDNet—Cheating is a big concern for the burgeoning online gaming industry
Salon.com—Skakel jury says that his own testimony was the deciding factor in the guilty verdict
CNN.com—Moussaoui will be able to represent himself
New Scientist—Italy to build world's longest suspension bridge between Sicily and the mainland
Fox News—Jagger to be knighted
MSNBC—More lawsuits against linking on the web. Do any of the people behind these challenges understand how stupid and self-destructive this is?

C|NET—Wow. After all these years, Yahoo! is actually going to redesign its home page.
Fox News—Wildfires may force thousands to evacuate around Denver
USA Today—Mafia don John Gotti dies in prison
New Scientist—Italy to build world's longest suspension bridge between Sicily and the mainland
ZDNet—Handspring believes that the future of handhelds lies in providing users with keyboards
MSNBC—Norwegian database cracked in only a few hours after the government requested help from hackers

CNN.com—New storage media based on old-fashioned computer punch cards may eventually replace current types of flash memory
USA Today—eBay users bid thousands for right to be the first to purchase the new Hummer SUV
ZDNet—Dataviz to sell software that allows Windows users to interface with an iPod
Wired News—Another article on the growing popularity of geocaching
Fox News—Pennsylvania councilwoman says that the town's police dog unfairly targets blacks
MSNBC—CBS and the NCAA agree to $500 million deal with Coke that will plaster the soft drink's logo everywhere during March Madness. I wonder how much of that the athletes will see?

ABCnews.com—Final episode of Millionaire as a weekly series to be aired in June
CNN.com—CBS to produce mini series on Hitler's rise to power
USA Today—Palm finally releases a version of its desktop software that is compatible with Mac OS X
MSNBC—Scientists in Colorado test glider that may one day be used in Mars missions
Rueters—Victims of prank involving a fake corpse filmed for MTV sue the network for $10 million
New Scientist—German company unveils light switches that require no wiring and no power source

Wired News—Astronomers have discoved a solar system very similar to ours, and it's only 41 light years away
MSNBC—British man picks up unencrypted US military spy plane signals on his home satellite receiver
CNN.com—Strange deepwater sounds may be coming from large undiscovered sea creature
New Scientist—New Harry Potter DVD and videos were released without copy protection
ABCnews.com—Republican senator Bob Barr is suing James Carville, Larry Flynt, and Bill Clinton for defamation
BBC News—Study shows that web designers and web surfers view site design in entirely different ways

CNN.com—Forest Service employee arrested and accused of starting the raging Colorado wildfires
ZDNet—Doh! In addition to leaving a myriad of security holes in its software in the first place, Microsoft has also now helped distribute one of the worst viruses ever to hit the net
USA Today—Citibank will block any transaction on its credit cards for online gambling
Fox News—Saudi tv station teaches hatred of Jews
Wired News—New gadget will let anyone become an expert pool player
ABCnews.com—Several news sites were hit with denial of service attacks late last week

ZDNet—Consumers in California file class action suit over copy-protected CDs
Reuters—Rival search engine claims to have indexed more pages than Google
Salon.com—Museum dedicated to Spam—the potted meat, not the annoying email—to open in Minnesota
Fox News—Massachusetts considers repealing bilingual classes and teaching children in English only
BBC News—Controversy over copyrights is nothing new
ABCnews.com—Starbucks pulls ad after some consumers complain that two coffe cups side by side evokes the fallen Twin Towers

ABCnews.com—Soft economy has forced Google to indefinitely delay its planned IPO
Wired News—British halts plans to expand big brother powers to district councils and safety groups, but only for the time being
Salon.com—Enron executives took home $750 million in pay, bonuses, stock sales last year
CNN.com—eBay is alienating long-time users by courting big business
Fox News—Jesse Ventura will not seek another term as governor of Minnesota
ZDNet—Microsoft will include a propriety version of Java with its Windows XP update, but says it will stop support for any flavor of Java eventually

CNN.com—US intercepted coded al Qaida messages on September 10, but did not translate them in time to stop the attacks
USA Today—America makes purple the newest M&M color
ABCnews.com—White House evacuated after small plane flies into restricted airspace
MSNBC—Britain uses Harry Potter to lure tourists to the country
Reuters—Two scientists accused of stealing genes from a Harvard lab
C|NET—Spammer hacks into AOL search and redirects users to Russian web site

Wired News—New research shows that adult stem cells may serve just as well as those harvested from fetuses
CNN.com—Two F-16s scrambled to protect White House would not have reached plane in time had it had hostile intentions
USA Today—Nintendo trying to overhaul its image as a kid's console by rolling out games with more mature themes
ZDNet—USB 2.0 and Firewire 2 are set to duke it out
C|NET—Toshiba will release an iPod-type product for PC users
Fox News—Tag is banned in a California school (where else?) because administrators say that it creates self-esteem problems

LegoDeath—Some of the many ways to die, demonstrated by the brick-based lifeforms
CNN.com—British engineers have invented technology that may one day lead to a phone that can be implanted in a tooth
Wired News—Digital artists are using their GPS receivers to trace out shapes on the landscape
Fox News—Ann Landers dies
ZDNet—Neither Macromedia nor Adobe, two of the biggest software developers for the Mac, will attend Macworld NY this year
USA Today—Circuit City will phase out VHS movies and move exclusively to DVD sales, a move that many other retailers are likely to follow

Wired News—D+D fans finally get an online game that they can customize to their hearts' content, but the copyright restrictions are spoiling the fun
ZDNet—Netscape's browser is slowly gaining back marketshare
CNN.com—Congress is considering legislation that would force car dealers to share diagnostic codes from the cars' computers, thereby preventing a monopoly on repair work by the dealers
Fox News—A polygamist in Utah (where else?) is convicted of child rape
MSNBC—Amazon will take over online sales for Virgin
BBC News—Some scientists believe we are using the earth's resources at a rate faster than the planet can replenish them

ABCnews.com—Baseball fans trying to organize one day strike to protest contraction and possible work stoppage
USA Today—Secret Pennsylvania government bunker not so secret anymore
Wired News—Chicago man is attempting to document the complete contents of his house on his web site
CNN.com—Today's kids more likely to whine and nag until they get what they want
Fox News—Adelphia (my ISP and cable provider) files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
BBC News—New trailers for The Two Towers is online, but not on the official Lord of the Rings site

Fox News—The 9th Circuit court rules that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional
USA Today—Taking birth control pills does not lead to an increased risk for breast cancer, new study shows
Salon.com—Playboy releases its Women of Enron issue
ABCnews.com—Scientists develop dummy that sweats to help them create better materials for clothing
C|NET—Hardware error causes some personal pages on AOL to be permanently deleted
BBC News—Caffeine is found to repel snails and slugs

Star Trek: Nemesis—View the trailer for the latest Star Trek movie
CNN.com—The College Board approves major overhaul of the SAT
Wired News—Sun joins its sworn enemy Microsoft in security venture
MSNBC—Companies reclaiming bandwidth and using filters to block employees from downloading MP3s at work
Fox News—A Florida judge rules that a Muslim woman can proceed with her case to be allowed to wear a veil in her driver's license photo. Huh?
BBC News—Japanese develop wood panels with magnetic layer that block cell phone signals
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