daily links: may 2007

CNN.com—Virginia governor closes loophole that allowed Cho to purchase guns despite his mental health record
USA Today—Edwards considering a tax hike on the wealthy to fund healthcare
MSNBC—Supreme Court rules that teen hurt during his flight from police cannot sue the officers for his injuries
BBC News—Russia says that NASA has rejected a proposal that the two nations join forces in future lunar explorations
Fox News—Courtney Love to auction off Kurt Cobain's belongings
CBS News—Despite a $5 billion investment in the War on Drugs, cocaine is cheaper and purer than it was 25 years ago

Fox News—Venezuela takes over private oil fields and makes them property of the state
CNN.com—Wisconsin to guarantee higher education for students who get a B average and behave themselves
USA Today—Rupert Murdoch submits bid for Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal
MSNBC—Los Angeles is once again America's most polluted city
ABCnews.com—Duke business school punishes 34 for cheating
BBC News—Dell to bundle Ubuntu as the OS for its Linux machines

CNN.com—Judge tosses suit brought against KFC for not informing its customers that it used trans fats (which has now become a moot point, since all of their fried chicken is now trans fat free)
New Scientist—Ice below the surface on Mars might indicate an active water cycle
MSNBC—Imus planning to sue CBS for the money remaining on his contract
Fox News—Mysterious collapse of bee colonies worldwide could have a serious impact on our food supply
CBS News—New study finds that NBA referees call more fouls on players of the opposite race
USA Today—NCAA sanctions schools with poor academic progress rates among their athletes

CBS News—Arctic ice melting faster than predicted
CNN.com—Barack Obama placed under Secret Service protection
Fox News—DC judge sues his dry cleaners for $65 million for losing his favorite pair of pants
USA Today—NCAA may move 3 point line for men's basketball back by a foot
Wired News—Flaming Lips to turn Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots into a Broadway musical
MSNBC—Bush may veto bill that expands hate crimes definition to include those motivated by gender and sexual orientation

BBC News—South Pacific nations agree not to use destructive bottom trawling method for fishing
Sports Illustrated—Clemens announces his return to the Yankees
USA Today—Steve Jobs may agree to higher prices on iTunes in exchange for the removal of copy protection on the songs sold there
MSNBC—Spider-Man 3 breaks multiple box office records
ABCnews.com—Bush's approval rating hits new low
Fox News—Idaho high school requires students to take breathalyzer before being allowed to enter the prom

USA Today—Six men charged with plot to attack Fort Dix
MSNBC—Bill Clinton brokers deal with drug companies to make AIDS medications available for less than $1 per daily dose to developing nations
ABCnews.com—Newly discovered tomb may have belonged to King Herod
CNN.com—Identity thief made 83 year old woman smoke crack to make it easier for to extract personal information from her
Fox News—Airport worker fired for broadcasting bible verse over PA system
Yahoo! News—Pentagon notifies 35,000 soldiers that they need to prepare to deploy to Iraq this fall

Fox News—NY governor to endorse Hillary for president
CNN.com—Poll finds that majority of Americans disagreed with Bush's veto of the war funding bill that included a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq
MSNBC—Student kills one and wounds two others after being confronted about stealing PlayStation console
USA Today—Texas won't make vaccination for HPV mandatory
ABCnews.com—Gas station owner ordered by state to raise his prices
BBC News—European satellite navigation system faces funding crisis

ABCnews.com—New ad rebuking Bush's war strategy features former commanding general of forces in Iraq
USA Today—EA annouces quarterly loss and delays release of highly anticipated game from The Sims designer Will Wright
CNN.com—Florida prison guards fired after reports that they made inmates clean toilets with their tongues as punishment
BBC News—Encyclopedia of Life aims to provide online documentation of all 1.8 million known species on Earth
MSNBC—New cable modems might be 25 times faster than current models
CBS News—Fuel efficiency standards may be raised to 35 mpg

ABCnews.com—Massachusetts court finds that sex by deceit does not equal rape
CNN.com—Webb telescope will allow astronomers to peer deeper into space than ever before
USA Today—New internet domain name extensions could be available by summer of 2008
MSNBC—Wal-Mart makes deal with suppliers to reduce the amount of mercury used in compact flourescent light bulbs
New Scientist—iPods may cause pacemakers to malfunction
CBS News—Katrina name less popular since the hurricane that hit New Orleans

New Scientist—Drug developed to treat Alzheimer's may also help stroke victims
USA Today—Star in our galaxy estimated to be almost as old as the universe itself
CBS News—Texas community passes ordinance that prevents landlords from renting properties to illegal immigrants
MSNBC—Television networks rushing production on many shows in anticipation of a possible strike next year
Fox News—Substitute teacher sued after showing Brokeback Mountain to 8th grade class
CNN.com—Cousin of US skiing champ kills police officer and then is killed himself

MSNBC—Second in command at Department of Justice to resign
CNN.com—Teachers stage fake gunman attack on sixth graders
USA Today—Gas prices at all time high
ABCnews.com—US military to block soldiers' access to YouTube and other popular blogging and file sharing sites
Fox News—Chrysler being sold to private group for $7.4 billion
New Scientist—Increasing ethanol production eating into corn stockpiles

BBC News—Hubble finds ring of dark matter
USA Today—Jerry Falwell dies at age 73
CNN.com—Miami ranked worst for road rage
MSNBC—Bush appoints war czar to oversee Iraq and Afghanistan
ABCnews.com—ABC picks up Cavemen sitcom, which is based on the cavemen characters from the Geico commercials
Fox News—Man charged with stealing a quarter of a million dollars worth of Skittles

ABCnews.com—Nursing home plans to implant electronic tags into Alzheimer's patients
USA Today—Treasure hunters' haul from shipwreck could be worth $500 million
MSNBC—Yankees may try to void Giambi's contract
CNN.com—Louisiana school district sued for allowing Gideons to distribute bibles to students on school grounds
BBC News—Google to overhaul search engine to deliver results from more than just web pages
Fox News—Fisherman catches rare coelacanth

CNN.com—Gas prices hit all time high, breaking last week's record. Get used to seeing this headline on a regular basis this summer.
ABCnews.com—Highway patrol officer suspended after dropping a drug charge against a porn star in exchange for oral sex
USA Today—Blizzard announces Starcraft II
New Scientist—Cell phones could be programmed to warn of lightning strikes
Fox News—Principal suspended for allowing chaperones to strip search students on a class trip
CBS News—Former administrator for the Smithsonian says the museum toned down an exhibit on climate change for fear of retribution from the Bush administration

ABCnews.com—Bush authorizes CIA to engage in covert operations to destabilize Iranian government
New Scientist—Shark in captivity reproduced asexually
BBC News—Google to ban ads for essay writing services
MSNBC—Hank Aaron will not watch Bonds break his home run record, even if it were to happen in Aaron's current hometown of Atlanta
USA Today—FDA approves birth control pill meant to halt women's periods indefinitely
CNN.com—Student at Falwell's university arrested with explosive devices

CBS News—Millionaire couple accused of keeping two women as slaves in their Long Island mansion
ABCnews.com—FDA continues to ban gay men from donating blood despite protests from the Red Cross that the policy is scientifically baseless
New Scientist—Super-oxidized water kills viruses and bacteria but doesn't harm human tissue
USA Today—Internet radio stations may disappear if scheduled rate increase goes through
CNN.com—Google invests in company owned by founder's new bride
Fox News—Two high school students face charges after handing out anti-gay fliers targeting a classmate

BBC News—Former IBM employee suing the company after being fired for watching pornography at work
ABCnews.com—Kevorkian to be paroled next week after promising not to participate in any more assisted suicides
Fox News—US Mint tells Marvel that it was illegal to doctor 40,000 quarters to promote the upcoming Fantastic 4 movie
CNN.com—Saturn dealerships will have Camrys and Accords in their showrooms so consumers can directly compare between those models and the Aura
USA Today—Infrared burners could soon be coming to home barbecues
MSNBC—Zoo animals feasting on this year's cicada brood

BBC News—Gay activists assaulted in Moscow
ABCnews.com—Australian hotel marketed at gays wins the right to bar entry to heterosexuals
USA Today—Study finds that Homeland Security spends most of its resources prosecuting immigration cases unrelated to terrorism
CNN.com—Scientists find that dolphins speak with different accents
Fox News—Bookstore owner burns inventory to protest decline in reading among Americans
MSNBC—Yearbook photos show students smoking marijuana and drinking beer

ABCnews.com—Reality show in the Netherlands awards kidney to winner
CNN.com—Cindy Sheehan leaves anti-war movement
MSNBC—Murder suspect says he killed to prevent aliens from abducting his daughter
BBC News—New Zealand cows naturally produce skim milk
USA Today—FTC investigating Google for possible antitrust violations in its purchase of online ad firm DoubleClick
Fox News—Man with rare strain of TB quarantined

MSNBC—Mitt Romney says he will donate his presidential salary to charity if elected
ABCnews.com—ACLU sues Boeing for flying terrorism suspects overseas to be tortured
CNN.com—South Korea joins the space race and says it hopes to have manned spaceflights by 2017
Fox News—Bush selects new World Bank president to replace Wolfowitz
BBC News—Microsoft unveils Surface, a mouseless, keyboardless computer shaped like a table
CBS News—Fox/MySpace buys Photobucket

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