daily links: august 2008

ABCnews.com—Mars lander confirms presence of water on the red planet
Fox News—Georgia town spends $1 million to buy local strip club so they can shut it down
CNN.com—Greyhound bus rider beheads fellow passenger
MSNBC—Bush proposal would allow health care workers to deny patients access to treatments and medicines that the workers deem morally objectionable, such as birth control pills
CBS News—House considering ban of cell phone use on airplanes whether or not the airlines choose to allow them
New Scientist—Nine nations sign lunar exploration agreement

MSNBC—Olympics losing sponsors
CBS News—Robert Novak retires after brain tumor diagnosis
CNN.com—Italy deploys troops to city streets to fight crime
ABCnews.com—JetBlue to charge passengers $7 for pillow
USA Today—Man calls 911 to complain about sandwich
BBC News—World's smallest snake discovered on Barbados

USA Today—Braves broadcaster Skip Carey dies
CNN.com—Death row inmate claims he's too fat to execute
ABCnews.com—Rocket built for space tourism has failed launch
CBS News—New microscope doesn't use lenses
MSNBC—Half of all primates on path to extinction
BBC News—Microsoft to phase out Windows and replace it with a stripped down OS focused on the internet

CNN.com—Iraq has $80 billion in surplus oil revenue during the same period that American taxpayers spent $48 billion on reconstruction projects in the country
CBS News—Hackers accused of stealing 40 million credit card numbers
Fox News—Maryland teen found with bomb making materials, weapons, and a map of the president's motorcade route to Camp David
USA Today—Queen's guitarist publishes doctoral thesis in astrophysics
MSNBC—Woman who served on the boards of two gun control groups suspected of being an NRA spy
ABCnews.com—Thailand bans sales of GTA after murder inspired by the game

ABCnews.com—China denies visas for politically active former Olympians
CNN.com—Korean commercial pet cloners create first batch of cloned puppies for US woman
CBS News—Nissan demos new electric car
USA Today—125,000 endangered gorillas discovered in Congo
Fox News—New stamp from USPS features flag with 14 stripes
BBC News—Dutch schoolteacher finds new galactic object while helping with Galaxy Zoo project

USA Today—Yahoo will allows visitors to opt out of targeted ads based on their browsing habits
ABCnews.com—John Edwards admits to affair he previously denied
CNN.com—Star Trek MMO coming
CBS News—White supremacists think Obama win will help their cause
BBC News—Gene may make some people more likely to become addicted to smoking than others
Fox News—Rabies from vampire bats suspected in Venezuelan deaths

MSNBC—Judge tells students they cannot reveal their secret to hacking Boston's subway system
CBS News—Banks cutting back on education loans
CNN.com—The Dark Knight is number one for fourth straight weekend
USA Today—Isaac Hayes dies at 65
Fox News—Iraq demands timeline for US troop withdrawal
ABCnews.com—Google says AOL partnership is eroding profits

CBS News—Former Republican congressman endorses Obama
MSNBC—Unabomer (this is the original spelling given by the FBI) objects to his cabin being displayed in museum
Fox News—University of Iowa professor accused of exchanging grades for sexual favors with female students
BBC News—NASA pushes back launch date for shuttle successor to 2014
ABCnews.com—Bush wants to revamp endangered species rules
CNN.com—Lab makes diesal fuel from E. coli waste

Sports Illustrated—Phelps wins fourth and fifth golds in Beijing to become winningest Olympic athlete in history
Fox News—Republicans threatening to shut down government if not allowed to introduce new oil drilling legislation
CNN.com—Majority of corporations in the US pay no income taxes
CBS News—Starting next month, Best Buy will become the first independent reseller of the iPhone in the US
MSNBC—Report finds that US officials often fail to prosecute internet fraud
ABCnews.com—National parks being used by drug cartels to grow marijuana

CNN.com—Leader of Arkansas Democratics murdered by gunman in party headquarters
CBS News—Whites will lose majority in US by mid-century
USA Today—Bush demands that Russia pull out of Georgia
ABCnews.com—Julia Child identified as spy for OSS
Fox News—College student thrown out of mall for wearing dress she had purchased in one of the stores there
MSNBC—Spam campaigns target CNN and MSNBC

MSNBC—Labor rights groups press for investigation of Wal-Mart over election complaints
Fox News—FDA rules that chemical commonly found in consumer plastics is safe
USA Today—Netflix experiences three day shipping outage
CNN.com—Actor from The Office arrested on drug charges
BBC News—Next Harry Potter movie delayed 8 months
CBS News—Judge bans man from his girlfriend's apartment after neighbors complain of noisy sex

Fox News—Phelps wins record-setting eighth gold medal in Beijing
CBS News—Family of slain gay teen sues his high school for allowing him to wear feminine clothes to school. Huh?
ABCnews.com—Russia says it will begin Georgia pullout today
CNN.com—Hurricane Fay approaches Florida
BBC News—Motion-activated camera captures image of rare leopard in Borneo
MSNBC—Mrs. Fields will file for bankruptcy

CNN.com—Prisons use dogs to sniff out illegal cell phones belonging to inmates
Fox News—Presidents of 100 leading colleges and universities urge Congress to return the drinking age to 18
USA Today—UAW endorses Obama
MSNBC—NYPD wants to screen every vehicle entering Manhattan
CBS News—Leaked tracks from U2's upcoming album obtained when Bono played his stereo too loud
ABCnews.com—New laptop cases will allow fliers to avoid taking their laptops out for inspection at airport screening stations

USA Today—Scientists make red blood cells from embryonic stem cells
CNN.com—NATO says Russia not honoring terms of cease fire in Georgia. Did anyone really think they would?
ABCnews.com—Two men who claimed to have a Bigfoot carcass admit that they made the whole thing up
MSNBC—Half of Americans believe prayer can heal someone that doctors have diagnosed with a terminal condition
Fox News—Work of historical fiction on the life of Muhammad pulled at the last minute by publisher over fear of reprisals from Muslims
CBS News—Husband and wife each win same lottery with separate tickets

CBS News—Pilot sues government for being put on terrorist watch list
Fox News—Airport employee accused of hiding camera in women's bathroom
CNN.com—American firm suing Nintendo over Wii controller
ABCnews.com—Seinfeld paid $10 million to shill for Microsoft
USA Today—Iran says it intends to put a man into space within a decade
MSNBC—Wealthy Mexicans having chips implanted so that they can be tracked in the event of kidnapping

USA Today—FDA approves the use of irradiation to kill germs on fresh vegetables
MSNBC—Obama says he has selected his running mate, but he won't reveal the choice yet
Fox News—IOC launches investigation into age of Chinese gold medal winning female gymnast
CBS News—Woman arrested and jailed for failure to pay $30 in library fines
BBC News—New machine can "smell" unique chemical signature given off by skin cancer cells
ABCnews.com—Michael Bloomberg proposes putting windmills on bridges and rooftops to help with power production for NYC

CNN.com—Obama selects Biden as running mate; polls show tie with McCain in presidential race
MSNBC—Accountant beats IRS in tax dispute
Fox News—Cuban taekwondo Olympian banned from sport for life after purposely kicking referee during match
CBS News—Texas will use GPS receivers to track truants
BBC News—US citizens can use Xbox Live service to register to vote
ABCnews.com—Teen scientists use DNA to show that fish are frequently mislabeled in stores, with vendors pricing cheaper species for more expensive ones

USA Today—Arkansas voters to consider measure that would ban unmarried couples from adopting or serving as foster parents
CBS News—Grammar vigilantes fined $3000 and banned from national parks for a year after correcting typo on historic sign
BBC News—An estimated half a million people in developing nations earn money by selling virtual money and items in online games
New Scientist—Wind turbines can cause bats' lungs to explode
CNN.com—American Idol adding fourth judge next season
Fox News—Half ton woman accused of murder may be too fat for a trial or jail

ABCnews.com—Some DC middle schools to pay students for good grades and behavior
USA Today—MLB will start using instant replay to review home run calls
CBS News—Obama VP announcement text message sent to 2.9 million phones
MSNBC—FAA computer glitch causes flight delays across the country
Fox News—9 year old pitcher and his team banned from youth baseball league because his pitching was too good
CNN.com—Actor on the Wire arrested on drug charges after refusing to testify as a witness in a murder trial

CNN.com—Louisiana declares preemptive emergency ahead of Gustav
USA Today—Scientists turn regular pancreas cells into insulin producing ones
ABCnews.com—Virus infects space station laptops
Fox News—Dr. Dre's 20 year old son found dead
CBS News—LPGA institutes rule that all players on the tour must speak English
MSNBC—Blogger arrested for leaking Guns N' Roses songs

USA Today—Dalai Lama hospitalized
CNN.com—Putin accuses US of orchestrating Georgian conflict
CBS News—Canadian airline removing life vests from planes to save fuel
ABCnews.com—Georgia school district becomes only third in US to lose accreditation in last 40 years
BBC News—Scientists say they have figured out why flies are so hard to swat
Fox News—Professor charged with DUI three times in eight days

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