daily links: march 2010

MSNBC—Obama signs one year extension to Patriot Act
USA Today—507 carat uncut diamond, the 19th largest ever discovered, sells for a record $35 million
CNN.com—Marie Osmond's teenage son commits suicide
Fox News—Facebook is granted a patent for the news feed concept
ABCnews.com—Business owner in California claims Yelp user review site tried to extort money from him in exchange for removing negative reviews
CBS News—Military will allow soldiers to use Facebook and Twitter over non-classified network

USA Today—USPS to propose 5 day schedule, cutting Saturday delivery
CNN.com—Earthquake that struck Chile could have shifted Earth's mass enough to alter the length of a day
ABCnews.com—Illinois considering a statewide ban on red light cameras
MSNBC—Millions of tons of frozen water found at moon's north pole
BBC News—Lasers used to restore and remove dirt from ancient works of art
Fox News—Frustrated lottery winner eats his winning ticket

ABCnews.com—Ingredient commonly used in weed killers can turn male frogs into females
Fox News—Drivers complaining that Toyota's fixes for sudden acceleration aren't working
MSNBC—Palin pitching reality show about Alaska with Survivor producer Mark Burnett
CNN.com—Hulu will no longer be allowed to air The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
USA Today—Soldier suing makers of Hurt Locker, saying it is based on his life
CBS News—Israeli military scraps raid after soldier posts details of the mission on his Facebook page

CBS News—Workplace sexual harrassment claims filed by men have doubled in the past 20 years, with most complaints being male-on-male
ABCnews.com—Air traffic controller suspended after letting his elementary school-aged children direct pilots on runways
USA Today—Continental to start charging more for roomier seats on exit rows
Fox News—Obama to appear on 1000th episode of America's Most Wanted
CNN.com—Federal government considering a 35% increase in the fee to apply for a passport
MSNBC—Baltimore mayor taken to hospital after complaining of numbness and chest pain

USA Today—TiVo wins patent infringement suit against Dish Network
MSNBC—Man killed after opening fire on police officers at the Pentagon
CBS News—Steelers quarterback accused of sexual assault
CNN.com—More US airports to get controversial full body scanners
ABCnews.com—Apple delays iPad launch until April 3
Fox News—Michigan six year old suspended from school for making a gun with his hand. Meanwhile in Baltimore, an eight year old brings an actual loaded gun to school.

Fox News—European condom manufacturer starts selling extra small condoms for boys as young as 12
ABCnews.com—Budget shortfalls may force Kansas City to close half its public schools
CNN.com—Couple lets real baby die while obsessing over online infant in video game
MSNBC—Most popular home school textbooks promote creationism over evolution
USA Today—GM to reinstate 660 dealerships that it had previously slated for closure
BBC News—Apple patent infringement suit against HTC could have big impact on all Google Android phones

USA Today—Kathryn Bigelow becomes first female to win Best Director as her Hurt Locker wins a total of six Oscars
CBS News—PETA stepping up protests against Sea World after death of whale trainer
CNN.com—To celebrate its 10th anniversary, JetBlue offers $10 last minute fares on its original 10 destinations
Fox News—More school districts moving to four day school week to solve budget problems
BBC News—The genes in the microbes inhabiting humans' intestinal systems dubbed our "second genome"
MSNBC—Mark Linkous, the creative force behind Sparklehorse, commits suicide at 47

CBS News—Spending on online ads will outpace spending on print ads for first time in 2010
BBC News—Large Hadron Collider to be shut down for a year at the end of 2011 for more repairs
ABCnews.com—Same-sex couples wed in DC after law allowing gay marriage goes into effect
CNN.com—China considering ban on eating dogs and cats
USA Today—Harmonix will release Rock Band 3 in time for the holiday shopping season
MSNBC—Bob Barker donates $2.5 million to PETA

CBS News—2010 could be the first year where the number of white babies born in the US is below 50% of total births
MSNBC—Bank of America to end all overdraft fees on debit card purchases
CNN.com—Corey Haim dies at 38
USA Today—Disgraced Olympic runner Marion Jones joins the WNBA
ABCnews.com—New proposed law would require sex offenders to wear a GPS device so they could be tracked in real time
Fox News—Chilean quake moved whole cities, including one that shifted more than 10 feet

CBS News—Obama donates Nobel Peace Prize money to charity
BBC News—Service that lets you stream games online aims to topple gaming consoles
CNN.com—Sony unveils Move, a motion-based controller meant to help the PS3 compete with Nintendo's Wii
MSNBC—British officials want Facebook to install a "panic button" on the site that will allow teenagers to let people know they are in trouble
Fox News—Tiger Woods could return to golf before the end of the month
USA Today—Conan O'Brien embarking on 30 city live theater tour

Fox News—New York chef serves cheese made from human breast milk
USA Today—This just in in Slow News Weekend news: NYC taxi drivers overcharged their customers by millions over the past two years
ABCnews.com—More newspapers cutting comic strips in cost saving move
CNN.com—MIT researchers may have discovered new way to create batteries using carbon nanotubes
MSNBC—China selects first female astronauts for its manned space program
CBS News—Google likely to close search engine in China

USA Today—Toyota issues reports saying they could not replicate the runaway acceleration in a Prius that grabbed headlines last week
ABCnews.com—British couple who kissed each other in a Dubai restaurant face a month of jail time for the infraction
CBS News—Sony Pictures chief asks theater owners to provide healthier snack options to movie goers
Fox News—Medical marijuana user sues after being fired from his job after failing a drug test
MSNBC—Man throws away winning $250,000 lottery ticket and is only able recover it after 90 minute search through trash
CNN.com—Kate Winslet separates from her husband, director Sam Mendes

CNN.com—Facebook beats Google to become the most visited web site in the US last week
CBS News—Kraft says they will reduce the amount of salt in their products by 10% over the next two years
ABCnews.com—British government wants a microchip implanted in every dog in the country
MSNBC—NFL considering a change to sudden death overtime rules
Fox News—Tattoo model claims she had affair with Sandra Bullock's husband while the actress was filming The Blind Side
USA Today—Blockbuster advises investors that it may have to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

MSNBC—Alex Chilton unexpectedly passes away just as Big Star was to reunite at SXSW
ABCnews.com—Smithsonian Museum of Natural History opens new permanent exhibit on human evolution
USA Today—Barnes & Noble replaces CEO with head of online division
BBC News—Opera reports that downloads of its browser have double since EU required Microsoft to present Windows users with a choice of which browser is installed on their system
Fox News—MTV wants Jersey Shore cast to cut back on drinking as they gear up to film second season
CBS News—Man fired from car dealership accused of sabotaging over 100 cars over the internet

USA Today—Some public schools allowing advertising on school web sites
CBS News—Scientists have breakthrough in invisibility cloak that works in three dimensions
MSNBC—Large Hadron Collider breaks its own energy record and reaches half of its operating capacity
Fox News—Dentist accused of using paper clips instead of stainless steel posts when performing root canals
ABCnews.com—Teen diagnosed with carpal tunnel from too much texting
CNN.com—Anna Nicole Smith's estate loses claim for $300 million

MSNBC—Congress sends historic health care bill to Obama
CBS News—Protestors hurl racist and anti-gay slurs at black and gay congressmen
CNN.com—Texas Republican admits to shouting "baby killer" during the debate on the health care bill
USA Today—Northern Iowa stuns number one seed Kansas to make it to the Sweet 16
ABCnews.com—Google redirects visitors to its Chinese site to an uncensored version based in Hong Kong to thwart content restrictions demanded by the Chinese government
Fox News—New cancer treatment forces cancerous cells to grow old and die

CNN.com—14 states suing to block implementation of new health care law
ABCnews.com—Reclusive Russian mathematician may reject $1 million prize for solving century old problem
CBS News—Polariod enthusiasts buy old film factory and recreate instant film packs, which they will begin selling this week
MSNBC—Apple begins selling no-contract iPhones at full price, but the phones are still locked to AT&T's network in the US
USA Today—Health care bill also included overhaul to college financial aid lending
Fox News—Britain creates new space agency

USA Today—FBI investigating threats against Democrats who voted for the new health care legislation
Fox News—Rise of syphilis in Britain credited partly to young people using Facebook to meet up with random strangers for unprotected sex
ABCnews.com—Nintendo's next version of the DS portable gaming system will allow players to play 3D games
CNN.com—Dwight Gooden arrested on suspicion of DUI after crashing his car with his five year old son in the vehicle
CBS News—Rosie O'Donnell to return to daytime talk tv next year after Oprah retires
MSNBC—16% of census forms were returned in the first week after they were mailed out

CBS News—Ballot initiative that will be voted on in November could legalize marijuana in California for people over 21
Fox News—Harry Potter theme park to open June 28
USA Today—Pentagon releases new don't ask, don't tell rules for gays serving in the military
CNN.com—Military to remove Burger King, Pizza Hut and other non-essential luxury services from bases in Afghanistan to create more space for surge of troops
ABCnews.com—Dennis Hopper's lawyer says the actor is terminally ill
MSNBC—Scientists figure out how to mass produce thin sheets of material similar to pearls

BBC News—US and Russia agree to new nuclear arms reduction treaty
USA Today—Netflix starts streaming movies to Wii gaming consoles
CNN.com—Top marine says openly gay service members would need separate housing
MSNBC—Los Angeles to shorten school year by at least five days because of budget shortfalls
ABCnews.com—Insurance company classifies a newborn with a birth defect as having a pre-existing condition and denies coverage for his treatments
CBS News—Coral reefs in danger of extinction within a century

Fox News—Chinese automaker to acquire Volvo from Ford
CNN.com—Federal authorities arrest several members of Christian militia group across three states
MSNBC—Duke becomes the only number 1 seed to make it to the Final Four
ABCnews.com—Armed gang robs Swiss casino
USA Today—Apple pushes back shipping date on new iPad orders, indicating that they have sold through their first-week stock
BBC News—Fox cancels 24

CBS News—Terrorists bomb Moscow subway during rush hour, killing dozens
MSNBC—US Treasury to sell government's entire stake in Citi for a substantial profit
ABCnews.com—Nine teens charged with relentless bullying after suicide of classmate who they tormented on Facebook and via text messages
USA Today—Obama will kick off the baseball season by throwing the first pitch in Nationals Park in DC
Fox News—New York couple charged with tampering with boxes of Jell-O pudding mix
CNN.com—New Facebook application would allow American Idol viewers to vote using the social networking site

CBS News—Study finds that magnetic waves can alter a person's sense of right and wrong
CNN.com—Apple stock soars on rumor of iPhone for Verizon
Fox News—Elementary school teacher and his 22 year old song arrested on child pornography charges
ABCnews.com—NASA to aid in probe of Toyota acceleration issues
USA Today—Man commits suicide by jumping from Empire State Building
MSNBC—Half of NYC subway security cameras aren't functioning

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