
Author Title
Chinua Achebe Anthills of the Savannah
Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart
Dante Alighieri La Vita Nuova
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy Volume I:
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy Volume II:
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy Volume III:
Horatio Alger Ragged Dick and Struggling Upward
Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio
(translated by
Seamus Heaney)
Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
John Barth Lost in the Funhouse
Jacques Barzun From Dawn to Decadence:
500 Years of Western Cultural Life
Zygmunt Bauman Modernity and the Holocaust
Eliezer Berkovits Faith After the Holocaust
Harold Bloom Shakespeare:
The Invention of the Human
Harold Bloom
Lionel Trilling
Romantic Poetry and Prose
Boccacio The Decameron
Stuart D. Brandes Warhogs:
A History of War Profits in America
Robert Darnton The Great Cat Massacre
and Other Episodes in French Cultural History
Don DeLillo Mao II
Don DeLillo Ratner's Star
Don DeLillo Running Dogs
Don DeLillo Underworld
Don DeLillo White Noise
Charles Dickens
Carlo Fruttero
Franco Lucenti
The D. Case:
The Truth About the Mystery of Edwin Drood
William Faulkner As I Lay Dying
William Faulkner Sanctuary
Saul Friedlander
Probing the Limits of Representation:
Nazism and the Final Solution
Saul Friedlander Reflections of Nazism
Max Frisch Homo Faber
Max Frisch I'm Not Stiller
Stephen G. Fritz Frontsoldaten:
The German Soldier in World War II
Northrop Frye A Natural Perspective
David Grossman The Book of Intimate Grammar
David Grossman See Under: Love
Daniel Halpern
Writers on Artists
Thomas Hardy The Distracted Preacher and Other Tales
Nathaniel Hawthorne The House of Seven Gables
(translated by
Robert Fagles)
The Odyssey
Zora Neale Hurston Dust Tracks On a Road
Kazuo Ishiguro An Artist of the Floating World
Bill James The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract
William James
(edited by
John J. McDermott)
The Writings of William James
James Joyce Dubliners
James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
James Joyce Ulysses
David Kahn The Codebreakers:
The Story of Secret Writing
Jamaica Kincaid My Garden Book
Doug Kirby
Ken Smith
Mike Wilkins
The New Roadside America:
The Modern Traveler's Guide to the Wild and Wonderful America's Tourist Attractions
Lawrence L. Langer Holocaust Testimonies
Claude Lanzmann Shoah
Mario Vargas Llosa The Storyteller
Primo Levi Survival in Auschwitz
Bernard Malamud The Magic Barrel
Greil Marcus Lipstick Traces
David Markson This Is Not a Novel
Charles Marowitz The Marowitz Shakespeare
Toni Morrison Beloved
Toni Morrison Jazz
George L. Mosse Nazi Culture
Chandra Mukerji
Michael Schudson
Rethinking Popular Culture:
Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies
Flannery O'Connor The Complete Stories
Flannery O'Connor The Habit of Being
Georgia O'Keeffe
Anita Pollitzer
(edited by
Clive Giboire)
Lovingly, Georgia:
The Complete Correspondence of Georgia O'Keeffe & Anita Pollitzer
Ben Okri The Famished Road
Ben Okri Songs of Enchantment
Robert Ornstein
Ted Dewan
James Burke
The Axemaker's Gift:
Technology's Capture and Control of Our Minds and Culture
Ovid Metamorphoses
Paul Perry Fear and Loathing:
The Strange and Terrible Saga of Hunter S. Thompson:
An Unauthorized Biography
Karl A. Plank Mother of the Wire Fence:
Inside and Outside the Holocaust
Thomas Pynchon Vineland
Daniel Quinn Ishmael
Roxana Robinson Georgia O'Keeffe
David G. Roskies Against the Apocalypse
David G. Roskies The Literature of Destruction
Edmund Rostand Cyrano de Bergerac
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Richard L. Rubenstein After Auschwitz:
History, Theology, and Contemporary Judaism
Harold Schechter The Bosom Serpent:
Folklore and Popular Art
William Shakespeare All's Well That Ends Well
William Shakespeare Coriolanus
William Shakespeare Hamlet
William Shakespeare King Lear
William Shakespeare Measure for Measure
William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare Othello
William Shakespeare The Tempest
William Shakespeare The Winter's Tale
William L. Shirer The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
A History of Nazi Germany
Isaac Bashevis Singer The Collected Stories
Jane Smiley A Thousand Acres
Sophocles The Three Theban Plays
Wallace Stevens The Palm at the End of the Mind
Tom Stoppard Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring
J.R.R. Tolkien The Tower Towers
J.R.R. Tolkien The Return of the King
Hunter S. Thompson Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Hunter S. Thompson Generation of Swine
Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Mark Twain The Innocents Abroad
Mark Twain Joan of Arc
Mark Twain Pudd'nhead Wilson
Various The Norton Anthology of American Literature
Volume I
Various The Norton Anthology of American Literature
Volume II
Various The Norton Anthology of English Literature
Volume I
Various The Norton Anthology of English Literature
Volume II
Chris Ware Jimmy Corrigan:
The Smartest Kid On Earth
Elie Wiesel Night
James E. Young Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust:
Narrative and the Consequences of Interpretation

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