daily links: october 2000 |
In Passing...Yes, someone else is listening
AOLizaIt's man vs. machine, and we're down for the count...
AdCritic.comDownload all your favorite TV ads, movie trailers, etc.
Salon.comMiss America, corporate whore
ABCnews.comEvidence that Beethoven had lead poisoning
Wired NewsGore never said he invented the internet. Why don't we care? |
GFP BunnyOtherwise normal rabbit glows green in black light
Fear the MulletHelp document the habits of this fascinating species
ABCnews.comBig Tobacco: OK, no more marketing to children. We swear. Well, American children, anyway.
Salon.comReview of Philip Pullman's final volume in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy, "The Amber Spyglass".
Fast CompanyBoth presidential candidates tackle the same set of questions about the New Economy
SlashdotThe candidates on Napster |
Salon.comWorld Monoply Championship. Really.
ABCnews.comLondon mayor declares war on Trafalgar Square pigeons
fuckedcompany.comWho's the latest casualty in the dotcom death march?
Wired NewsTeen trader who violated SEC rules still walked away with a lot of cash
Jump the SharkWhen good sitcoms go bad...
TheForce.netMore Star Wars news than you'll know what to do with |
Salon.comThe new Eudora email program knows if you've been naughty or nice
SlateBush's ongoing imitation of Dan Quayle, fully documented and updated daily
Wired NewsA look at genetic testing and healthcare coverage
House of LeavesThe British site for this phenomenal book
Splorp.comIs that a spiral in your logo or are you just happy to see me?
As the Apple TurnsThe best rumor/humor site for Apple/Macintosh devotees |
SlashdotMicrosoft hacked. There are links to articles that give more details, but the discussion on Slashdot is always the best.
VadderUrban exploration tips
Salon.comSmall eBay sellers on the ropes
ABCnews.comDo birds dream?
Wired NewsPlaystation 2 rollout
eCompanyRazorfish, iXL mystique starting to tarnish? |
GhostwatcherHelp a woman monitor spooks in her house
ABCnews.comMaharishi Mahesh Yogi is trying to build the world's tallest building in Dallas
Salon.comA few suggestions for corporate America
The WellCan Bush read? A query from Michael Moore.
Wired NewsReselling PS2 for fun and profit!
Hunter S. ThompsonSite for the writer |