daily links: january 2006

ABCnews.com—Virginia governor considering DNA test to determine whether man executed in 1992 was innocent
CNN.com—Lincoln to phase out car names, using meaningless acronyms instead to emphasize the Lincoln brand
USA Today—Kerry may consider another run in 2008
CBS News—Cat apparently called 911 when owner passed out
BBC News—Tiny biosensor could help detect cancer
MSNBC—iPod designer honored by Queen Elizabeth

CNN.com—Lobbyist Abramoff pleads guilty to multiple charges, and will likely take some members of congress down with him
USA Today—California elementary school requires students to have laptops, and makes parents pay for them
Fox News—Mormon missionaries shot on the streets of a Virgina city while going door to door
CBS News—SUVs no safer for kids than cars because of the increased rollover risk
BBC News—NASA astronomers witness rare moon impact
ABCnews.com—New rules will make credit card bills higher for many Americans

CNN.com—65 year old man is charged with desertion for refusing to go to war in Vietname 40 years ago
USA Today—Israeli prime minister suffers significant stroke
New Scientist—New study gives insight into how brands get programmed into the brain
ABCnews.com—Pennsylvania school board rescinds policy requiring the teaching of intelligent design
CBS News—Ted Koppel to produce documentaries for the Discovery Channel
MSNBC—Supreme court orders Padilla transferred to civilian custody

Wired News—Spammer is fined $11 billion and is barred from going online for 3 years
Fox News—Florida supreme court strikes down Jeb Bush's school voucher program as unconstitutional
CNN.com—Pat Robertson suggests that god is responsible for Sharon's stroke and that he is being punished for dividing Israel
USA Today—DC to ban smoking in most restaurants and bars
ABCnews.com—Democrats will delay Alito vote
MSNBC—4 year old mistakenly placed on TSA's no-fly list

ABCnews.com—DeLay will not try to regain House leadership position, but says he intends to run for re-election this year
Fox News—Man who shot the Pope in 1981 to be freed soon
CNN.com—Brokeback Mountain pulled from Utah movie theater
USA Today—Michael Vick's brother to enter NFL draft after being thown off his college team
CBS News—Stamp prices rising to 39 cents
MSNBC—Viagra packages to use RFID tags as anti-counterfeit device

ABCnews.com—Dow closes above 11,000 for first time since 9.11
BBC News—US proposes rules for space tourists
New Scientist—New simulation seems to confirm that the moon was formed from debris after the Earth impacted with another planet
Fox News—Hasbro acquires rights to Marvel characters
CNN.com—Howard Stern makes his debut on satellite radio
USA Today—Schwarzenegger in motorcycle accident

CNN.com—Apple unveils Intel-powered iMacs and laptops
ABCnews.com—Woman left sitting in front of television for two years after her death
New Scientist—NASA's Pluto probe will use nuclear power to keep its instruments alive during its mission
BBC News—Bird flu spreading among humans in Turkey
CBS News—Xbox 360 sales sluggish in Japan
USA Today—LSD creator turns 100

New Scientist—Semiconductor chip can produce entangled photons, marking a major step towards quantum computing
MSNBC—Judge in Arizona rules that fetuses do not count as passengers for HOV/carpool lanes on the highway
USA Today—Man arrested under suspicion of having planted a bomb in a Starbucks
ABCnews.com—Purchasers of A Million Little Pieces, which was recently discovered to have been partly fabricated, are offered a refund by Random House
CBS News—Colombian town considering making condom possession mandatory for all citizens and visitors 14 and older
BBC News—Levi's unveils jeans designed especially for iPod owners

MSNBC—Taiwan lab engineers flourescent green pigs
CNN.com—DNA tests confirm that man executed in 1992 was guilty of the crime for which he was convicted
New Scientist—Norway to create seed bank that will serve as a doomsday vault in the event of a global catastrophe
USA Today—Steven Soderbergh to release his next film nearly simultaneously in theaters and on DVD
Fox News—Man arrested on assault charges after intentionally making three people sick by shaking hands with them after rubbing an unknown substance on his hands
ABCnews.com—New nickel will be first US coin to feature a president's image that is not in profile

CBS News—CNN banned from working in Iran after translation error
MSNBC—Man sets new record for solving Rubik's Cube
CNN.com—Mechanic sucked into airplane engine on tarmac at El Paso
USA Today—Gerald Ford hospitalized
ABCnews.com—New method of data storage could dramatically increase storage capacity on hard drives
BBC News—Prototype for british stealth plane revealed

Sports Illustrated—Pittsburgh fan had heart attack when Bettis fumbled the ball at the goal line in last weekend's playoff game against the Colts
USA Today—Google buys radio advertising firm
ABCnews.com—UFO cult offers job to disgraced South Korean cloning expert
CBS News—Two lawsuits seek to halt the secret wiretaps authorized by Bush and conducted by the NSA
MSNBC—Supreme court upholds Oregon's assisted suicide law
CNN.com—Geocachers alarm authorities

USA Today—Disney in talks to buy Pixar
CNN.com—Fan who ran onto the field during a football game will not be permitted to watch the super bowl this year or attend another game for five years
CBS News—Leahy will oppose Alito's nomination
Wired News—New study shows that web users make judgments about a site in a fraction of second
ABCnews.com—Online music sales topped $1 billion last year
MSNBC—Man develops wristwatch that he says will help early detection of malaria

CBS News—UCLA alumni group offers cash to students to monitor and report on liberal professors
CNN.com—Giant jellyfish threaten Japan's fishing industry
USA Today—PC Gamer says it will no longer run ads for virtual currency sellers known as gold farmers
ABCnews.com—Iceland attempting to forgo any use of oil for its energy needs
MSNBC—Google resisting fed's efforts to pry into it's database for online porn probe
C|NET—Minolta moves away from cameras and will refocus on copiers

CNN.com—Cruise passengengers threatening not to leave the ship after a change in itinerary
USA Today—Some scientists patenting genomes of existing plants
MSNBC—Halliburton sent contaminated water to US troops in Iraq
ABCnews.com—DC metro looking for new voice for its warning messages
Fox News—Hitler's gun to be auctioned
CBS News—Mother jailed after leaving kids home alone so she could attend Jerry Springer taping

Fox Sports—Olympic torch briefly snatched by protestors in Italy
Wired News—Private firm to run government ID system that will allow frequent fliers to bypass airport security
MSNBC—Floating cell phone ballon platforms could lead to better service without towers
CNN.com—Poll names Google as top brand from 2005
USA Today—Toyota to race vehicle in NASCAR
CBS News—Wonder bread to offer whole wheat variety

Sports Illustrated—Pennsylvania boy who wore Broncos jersey to school said he was humiliated by his teacher, who was wearing a Steelers jersey, in front of the class
Fox News—CBS and Warner Brothers to shutter UPN and the WB and combine their programming to create a new channel jointly owned by the two media conglomerates
USA Today—The sex.com domain name sells for $12 million
BBC News—20 year old pleads guilty to infecting thousands of computers with adware and using them to send out spam
ABCnews.com—Disney buys Pixar for over $7 billion
MSNBC—Pentagon report says that the Army can't sustain current troop levels in Iraq for much longer

USA Today—The Office's strong showing in its new Thursday time slot have earned it a full third season renewal
CNN.com—Family Guy's Stewie to host an internet talk show
ABCnews.com—Sex offender accused of killing three children is blogging from jail
BBC News—Wow. The Brits are just as dumb as we are.
CBS News—Google censoring results from searches in China
MSNBC—Video games becoming powerful platform to launch unknown bands

Fox News—Current Palestinian PM resigns after terrorist organization Hamas wins control of the parliament
CNN.com—A filibuster over the Alito nomination could be in the works
New Scientist—Rising sea levels on the increase
MSNBC—Original Survivor winner Richard Hatch found guilty of tax evasion for his failure to officially report his winnings from the show
ABCnews.com—Toyota super bowl ad to feature spanish without subtitles
CBS News—Michael Jackson dons garb tradiationally worn by conservative muslim women for a shopping trip in Bahrain

CNN.com—ABC anchor and his cameraman wounded by roadside bomb in Iraq
MSNBC—Republican lawmakers call for Bush to reveal his contacs with convicted lobbyist Abramoff
USA Today—Piazza signs 1 year deal with the San Diego Padres
Fox News—Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan considering run for senate
CBS News—Apple reveals new iTunes service aimed at universities
BBC News—EU says it will withhold financial aid from Palestine if Hamas is in control

USA Today—Exxon posts record profits of over $36 billion for 2005
MSNBC—Alito filibuster shot down
New Scientist—NASA climatologist says the Bush administration tried to censor him
CBS News—Museum visitor trips and smashes three priceless chinese vases
CNN.com—Base jumper takes plunge off skyscraper and eludes authorities by hopping into waiting SUV
ABCnews.com—Vatican is investigating purported miracle involving Pope John Paul II

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