daily links: january 2020

CBS News—John Bolton says he would be willing to testify in a Senate impeachment trial
BBC News—Study finds that AIs are better at detecting breast cancer in mammograms than human doctors
CNN.com—Milwaukee driver shoots 12 and 13 year old kids who hit his car with a snowball
NBC News—Pentagon advises members of the military not to use home DNA testing kits
USA Today—Harvey Weinstein faces new charges of rape and sexual assault stemming from 2013 allegations
ABCnews.com—Someone releases bedbugs in Pennsylvania Walmart

ABCnews.com—A new Tennessee bill would require student athletes to play on teams that match their birth-assigned gender
CBS News—Impossible Foods unveil new plant-based sausage and pork products
USA Today—Bloomberg to spend millions on a 60 second Super Bowl ad as part of his presidential campaign
BBC News—Astronomers detect vast star nursery in our galaxy
CNN.com—Girl Scouts introducing new lemon wafer cookie
NBC News—Borden Dairy files for bankruptcy

BBC News—McDonald's executives accuse the fast food giant of racial discrimination
CBS News—With sports gambling now legal nationwide, leagues create new revenue streams selling detailed information and stats on athletes to bookmakers
USA Today—Ruth Bader Ginsburg annouces that she is free of cancer
NBC News—New study finds no link between talcum powder usage and ovarian cancer
ABCnews.com—Virgin Galactic reveals new spaceship meant for commercial space tourism
CNN.com—The Oscars will once again have no host

CNN.com—House votes to limit Trump's ability to pursue war against Iran without Congressional approval
ABCnews.com—Bloomberg won't release women from NDAs who previously accused him of fostering a hostile work environment
BBC News—Previously unknown virus that causes severe lung disease infects dozens in China
CBS News—California governor orders state agencies under his control to identify vacant land that can be used for homeless shelters
NBC News—Singer Grimes, who has been dating Elon Musk for the past two years, says she is pregnant
USA Today—Ravens defensive coordinator Wink Martindale offers free playoff tickets to his game show host namesake

ABCnews.com—Japanese billionaire giving away $9 million to a random selection of his Twitter followers
CBS News—California may start making its own prescription drugs so it can lower costs for consumers
USA Today—Chinese fish species that had survived for 150 million years is now extinct due to overfishing
NBC News—Judge allows effort to recall Alaskan governor to proceed
CNN.com—Rush drummer Neil Peart dies at 67
BBC News—Trump complains to crowd that he deserved to receive the Nobel Peace Prize

ABCnews.com—Houston Astros fire their manager and general manager after MLB hands down a year-long suspension for their roles in the 2017 sign stealing scandal
CNN.com—Giuliani associate hands over thousands of pages of documents to impeachment investigators
BBC News—Mark Hamill quits Facebook in protest of their advertising policies which allow the spread of misinformation
USA Today—Two GM engineers arrested after street racing new Corvettes at over 100 mph in Kentucky
NBC News—Airline passenger arrested after attempting to break into the cockpit and then assaulting a female flight attendant
CBS News—Joker nominated for 11 Oscars

NBC News—Red Sox fire manager Alex Cora for his role in the Houston Astros sign stealing scandal
CBS News—Dozens injured, including many elementary school children, after jet making emergency landing dumps thousands of gallons of jet fuel over L.A.
ABCnews.com—Visa buys Plaid, a technology company that powers services like Venmo, for $5.3 billion
USA Today—Ken Jennings wins Jeopardy's greatest of all time tournament
CNN.com—Panthers star linebacker retires after 8 years in the NFL
BBC News—Billie Eilish tapped to sing new James Bond theme song

CBS News—House votes to send two articles of impeachment to Senate, which will precipitate an impeachment trial
NBC News—Russian prime minister and his entire government resign, setting the stage for constitutinal changes that could extend Putin's hold on power
USA Today—Disney+ says it already has 40 million users two months after launch
CNN.com—This year's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees include Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails
BBC News—NSA warns of critical flaw in Windows 10
ABCnews.com—Christian school expels teen after seeing a picture on social media of her wearing a sweater with a rainbow on it and having a rainbow-decorated cake for her birthday

BBC News—James Bond producer says that next actor cast to play the iconic spy will not be female
CBS News—Florida Supreme Court rules that freed felons must pay off any fines or fees related to their sentences before they are eligible to vote
ABCnews.com—Microsoft pledges to be carbon-negative throughout its entire supply chain by 2030
NBC News—Mets fire manager Carlos Beltran for his role in the 2017 sign-stealing scandal with the Astros
CNN.com—New Orleans PD issues arrest warrant for Odell Beckham Jr. after incident with uniformed officer at the Superdome
USA Today—HBO confirms that critically acclaimed Watchmen series will not have a second season after show creator bows out

NBC News—Tennessee governor to sign anti-gay adoption bill
ABCnews.com—San Francisco Giants hire first female coach in the history of MLB
USA Today—Trump hires Alan Dershowitz and Kenneth Starr for his impeachment defense team
CNN.com—Disney to rebrand 20th Century Fox as simply 20th Century
BBC News—EU considering ban on facial recognition technology
CBS News—Google hits $1 trillion market cap

CNN.com—Trump's impeachment trial officially begins in the Senate
NBC News—CDC confirms first US case of deadly Chinese coronavirus
BBC News—Brazil accuses journalist Glenn Greenwald of committing cyber crimes
ABCnews.com—Construction worker fatally stabs his Trump-supporting boss during an argument
USA Today—Uber testing program that would let drivers set their own fares
CBS News—Ozzy Osbourne reveals that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's

ABCnews.com—Trump administration to impose tighter travel visa restrictions on pregnant women who want to visit the US
NBC News—Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for $50 million
CNN.com—Snakes could be behind the Chinese coronavirus outbreak
CBS News—Trump downplays injuries of US soldiers hurt in Iran attacks
BBC News—Monty Python actor Terry Jones dies at 77
USA Today—Two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback Eli Manning announces his retirement from the NFL

BBC News—Trump rolls back water pollution regulations
CBS News—San Francisco will no longer require cash bail as a condition of pretrial release, even in criminal prosecutions
USA Today—NYC passes law requiring businesses to accept cash for payment
CNN.com—Actress Annabella Sciorra testifies in court that she was raped by Harvey Weinstein
NBC News—Department of Transportation proposing new rules to limit service animals on flights
ABCnews.com—Tinder unveils new safety features, including photo verification and a panic button

CBS News—Professional gambler sues MLB over Astros sign stealing scandal, saying it negatively affected his winnings
USA Today—Second US case of the coronavirus confirmed in Chicago
CNN.com—Lawsuit claims that man who was executed in Arkansas in 2017 was innocent of the crimes of which he was accused
BBC News—Scientists think acute damage to stem cells from extreme stress is what causes hair to suddenly turn white
NBC News—Two Ohio police officers fired for their politically motivated arrest of Stormy Daniels, who has alleged she had an affair with Trump while he was married
ABCnews.com—GM may bring back the Hummer as an electric vehicle

CNN.com—Former NBA superstar Kobe Bryant killed in helicopter crash at age 41
CBS News—Several major cruise lines suspend China operations over coronavirus fears
ABCnews.com—Google CEO calls for regulation of AI technologies
NBC News—Arizona Supreme Court rules that divorced woman cannot impregnate herself with frozen embryos made with her ex-husband without his consent
BBC News—8 killed in fire that destroyed Alabama marina
USA Today—Vine co-founder launches new short video messaging app called Byte...which is exactly like Vine

BBC News—Ring doorbells, owned by Amazon, are also sharing your personal data with Google and Facebook
USA Today—Astros choose veteran manager Dusty Baker as their new manager after their previous one was ousted in the wake of the 2017 sign stealing scandal
CBS News—Barbie unveils more inclusive doll designs, including a doll with no hair and a doll with the skin condition vitiligo
NBC News—Chipotle fined $1.3 million for thousands of child labor act abuses in Massachusetts
CNN.com—Atari is opening themed hotels in 8 US cities
ABCnews.com—Oscar Meyer's Wienermobile pulled over for a traffic violation

ABCnews.com—Harvard professor accused of hiding his ties to China, including payments he received for sharing research
BBC News—New Hawaiian telescope offers unprecedented close ups of the sun's surface
CNN.com—MoviePass finally announces the permanent shutdown we all knew was coming
NBC News—Nike Vaporfly shoes are helping elite runners break records, but regulatory group is considering banning them
USA Today—Old Bay launches hot sauce based on their signature spice blend
CBS News—Boeing posts first loss since 1997 in wake of 737 Max debacle

CNN.com—Rand Paul tries unsuccessfully to have the Ukraine whistleblower's name read out loud in the Senate impeachment trial
USA Today—Writer who claims Trump raped her is seeking his DNA in court
NBC News—Texas attorney general refuses to defend a state agency that is being sued by a judge they disciplined. The reason for her discipline: she refused to marry gay couples despite this being legal nationwide.
ABCnews.com—1 year old shot when his parents argued over a gun and it accidentally went off
BBC News—First drug molecule created using AI to start human trials
CBS News—Diver finds ship that was lost in the Bermuda Triangle in 1925

BBC News—Cowardly, treasonous Rebublicans will not allow witnesses or evidence at Trump's sham impeachment "trial", paving the way for an acquittal vote
NBC News—Surgeon General says there's not enough evidence to show that e-cigarettes help smokers quit using traditional cigs, but there is evidence to show that vaping helps introduce young people to traditional tobacco products
ABCnews.com—Amazon's workforce has grown to more than half a million people in the US alone
CBS News—American Airlines pilots sue to stop flights to China
CNN.com—Apple rolls out revamped Maps app for iOS for all US users
USA Today—Elon Musk releases a song on SoundCloud

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