daily links: january 2013

Sports Illustrated—Ray Lewis announces that he will retire after this season, meaning this Sunday's game against the Colts could be his final home game
CNN.com—Hillary Clinton discharged from hospital after being diagnosed with a blood clot near her brain
CBS News—Fiscal cliff bill clears House despite much noisemaking from tea partiers, but most Americans will still see their taxes rise and their paychecks shrink
USA Today—Al-Jazeera buys Current TV from Al Gore
NBC News—Microsoft claims that Google is deliberately ruining YouTube on the Windows Phone platform
Fox News—Hospital fires 8 workers who refused to get a flu shot

Fox News—Two teenage girls arrested after drugging one of the girl's parents so they could use the internet after curfew
USA Today—Arizona bill would make it illegal to pose as someone else online
CBS News—Boehner reelected as Speaker of the House
NBC News—Starbucks to start selling $1 reusable plastic cups
Sports Illustrated—Ray Lewis to join ESPN as analyst once he retires from football
ABCnews.com—Frank Ocean cited for possessing marijuana

NBC News—Teen goes to jail after he posts on Facebook that he is driving drunk
CBS News—New study finds that people think hot chocolate tastes best in orange mugs
Fox News—Scientists claim they can achieve temperatures lower than absolute zero
USA Today—Vladimir Putin grants Russian passport to Gerard Depardieu
BBC News—US town bans sale of small plastic water bottles
CNN.com—Hulu CEO to step down

CNN.com—The Library of Congress has archived 170 billion tweets
CBS News—Two men sentenced to five years in prison for "looking gay" in Cameroon are released by judge
NBC News—Disney World to track visitors with wireless wristbands
BBC News—Sony unveils bath-friendly smartphone
ABCnews.com—New Lego robotics kit can communicate with iOS devices
Fox News—Olympic medalist Ryan Lochte to be featured in his own reality show on E!

Fox News—Thieves break into Microsoft office, but only steal Apple iPads
CNN.com—Illinois to start issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants
NBC News—Google bringing free wifi to NYC's Chelsea neighborhood
CBS News—Alabama wins second straight national title
ABCnews.com—After 10 years of silence, David Bowie releases new single
BBC News—US defence contractor pays $5 million to settle suit from Abu Ghraib prisoners

USA Today—Kingston unveils world's first 1 terabyte hard drive
CBS News—No players elected to baseball Hall of Fame this year
CNN.com—Paul Watson, head of Sea Shepherds whale conservation group, steps down as president in the wake of a court injunction against him
ABCnews.com—Hasbro launches contest to replace one of Monopoly's classic game pieces
NBC News—Supreme Court may rule that blood tests are protected by the Fourth Amendment
BBC News—Kickstarter-funded Pebble smartwatch gets ship date of January 23

CBS News—Samsung previews phone with bendable screen
ABCnews.com—Pennsylvania man charged with making 17,000 lewd phone calls
Fox News—White House won't rule out $1 trillion coin to avoid debt ceiling standoff
CNN.com—MLB to begin in-season testing for HGH
USA Today—Cleveland Browns hire Carolina Panthers offensive coordinator as their new head coach
NBC News—Walmart to start selling iPhone 5 with no contract

CNN.com—Facebook will let you send a message directly to founder Mark Zuckerberg's inbox for $100
CBS News—New Amazon service AutoRip includes immediate free digital download with every CD purchased
NBC News—White House formally rejects petition to build a Death Star
Fox News—IBM's Watson supercomputer has to have his memory wiped after memorizing the contents of the Urban Dictionary slang web site
BBC News—BBC host alleged to have sexually abused hundreds of children across several decades
USA Today—Merck is advising doctors to stop prescribing one of its cholesterol medications

CBS News—Ravens beat Broncos in double overtime to advance to the AFC championship
ABCnews.com—Teacher sues school district after being fired because her fear of children prevented her from teaching
MSNBC—RSS inventor and Reddit founder commits suicide at age 26
CNN.com—Clarence Thomas speaks during oral arguments for the first time in seven years
BBC News—Coca-Cola to air anti-obesity ad
Fox News—Lance Armstrong reportedly admits to doping in an interview with Oprah

ABCnews.com—NRA releases free online shooting game designed for children as young as 4
Fox News—Widow of victim in Colorado movie theater shooting sues psychiatrist who once had the suspect as a patient
CBS News—Germany plans to reclaim $200 billion worth of gold currently being stored in the New York Federal Reserve vault
USA Today—Miami Heat fan sues Antonio Spurs for resting their star players at a game he attended
NBC News—CVS will not stock Tylenol in every store due to supply isssues from manufacturer Johnson & Johnson
CNN.com—Facebook announces new search feature

ABCnews.com—FAA grounds Boeing's new 787 Dreamliners
USA Today—Obama wants CDC to study the effects of violent video games
CNN.com—Update to Facebook's Messenger app enables free VoIP phone calls on the iPhone
Fox News—Hospital in Pennsylvania says it will no longer deliver babies thanks to Obamacare
CBS News—CEOs push to raise retirement age to 70
NBC News—China says that it has no plans to change its one child per family policy

CNN.com—Dear Abby dies at 94
CBS News—Sony may launch Playstation 4 this spring
USA Today—American Airlines revamps its livery for the first time since 1968
Fox News—Florida atheist group wants equal time after Christian group is allowed to distribute bibles in schools
ABCnews.com—Conrad Bain, the dad on Diff'rent Strokes, dies at 89
NBC News—Thanksgiving and Christmas are the most porn-free days

CBS News—TSA says it is getting rid of naked image body scanners
CNN.com—Nano coating could make tech devices water repellant
NBC News—Next generation nuclear sub could run for 50 years without refueling
Fox News—Yelp adds hygiene scores to its crowd-sourced reviews of restaurants
BBC News—Sony sells its Manhattan HQ building for over $1 billion
ABCnews.com—NASA to create inflatable habitat add-on for ISS

Fox News—Megaupload founder launches new file sharing site
CNN.com—Groupon suspends all deals involving firearms
NBC News—Lupe Fiasco's performance at Obama's inauguration celebration cut short after he rapped anti-Obama lyrics
USA Today—Atari files for bankruptcy
CBS News—Ralph Nader calls video game makers "electronic child molesters"
ABCnews.com—Blockbuster to close 300 stores. Wait, they still HAVE 300 stores?

ABCnews.com—Subway sued over footlong sandwiches that weren't quite 12 inches long
CBS News—Junior Seau's family sues the NFL over the deceased star's brain injuries
CNN.com—Architect to build home using 3D printer
NBC News—Man who voiced Charlie Brown as a child arrested on five felony counts of stalking and death threats
Fox News—Casino owner fined for gambling
USA Today—Nintendo working on new Mario and Zelda titles for the Wii U

CBS News—Tom Brady fined $10,000 for attempting to kick defender Ed Reed during AFC championship game
Fox News—Mosaic, the first true web browser, turns 20
ABCnews.com—US military will soon allow women to serve in combat
NBC News—McDonald's Filet-O-Fish sandwich to be certified as sustainable by eco watchdog group
CNN.com—Senate approves modest changes to filibuster rules
USA Today—Lost creator J.J. Abrams to direct new Star Wars film

Fox News—After recent stock slide, Apple is no longer the world's most valuable company
CNN.com—S&P 500 closes over 1500 for the first time since 2007
CBS News—Apple terminates contract with supplier after finding evidence of underage workers
ABCnews.com—New law makes it illegal to unlock a carrier-subsidized smartphone in the US
USA Today—The Social Security Administration will stop issuing paper checks starting in March
NBC News—Spam is at a five-year low, but it still accounts for two thirds of all email

NBC News—Marine recruiter charged with sexually assaulting two teen recruits
USA Today—Nightclub fire in Brazil kills over 200 people
Fox News—USPS to raises price of stamps to 46 cents
CBS News—Iran claims that it has successfully launched a monkey into space and had it return safely to Earth
BBC News—Toyota reclaims global auto sales crown
CNN.com—Fox News parts ways with Sarah Palin

CNN.com—John Kerry confirmed as next Secretary of State
CBS News—Man shoots and kills 22 year old driver who pulled into his driveway by mistake
BBC News—Singer Morrissey hospitalized
Fox News—Rare 1913 nickel could sell for millions at auction
ABCnews.com—Newest version of Microsoft Office requires an annual subscription
NBC News—Chris Brown compares himself to Jesus

Fox News—Gomer Pyle star Jim Nabors weds longtime boyfriend
ABCnews.com—Artist hides blank check worth over $10,000 in a gallery displaying his work in order to draw in visitors
CNN.com—RIM changes its name to BlackBerry and launches BlackBerry 10
BBC News—Ticketmaster ditches Captcha verification technology
CBS News—Victim of Craigslist Super Bowl ticket scam gets four free tickets from Ticketmaster CEO
NBC News—Porn star Ron Jeremy hospitalized with aneurysm

BBC News—Former NYC major Ed Koch moved to ICU
CNN.com—NY Times says that Chinese hackers have carried out sustained attacks on its computer systems
NBC News—Dan Marino admits to fathering a child during an adulterous relationship with a coworker at CBS
ABCnews.com—Twitter suffers second major outage in a month
USA Today—Singer Randy Travis receives probation after pleading guilty to drunk driving
Fox News—Hackers take credit for brief Amazon outage

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