daily links: january 2019

CBS News—China becomes first nation to land a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon
CNN.com—Several powerful banks and brokerage firms launch a new stock exchange, the Members Exchange, meant to compete with NYSE and Nasdaq
ABCnews.com—Woman sentenced to life in prison after killing the man who forced her into sex slavery as a teenager is granted clemency by Tennessee governor after serving 15 years
NBC News—Weather Channel sued for selling location data of app users without their knowledge or persmission
USA Today—Students on some college campuses can now use an app to have a robot deliver snacks to them
BBC News—Samsung to add iTunes app to its smart tvs

CBS News—Partially redacted court filing from Mueller team points to Russian collusion by Trump's campaign
ABCnews.com—NYC mayor announces plan to provide health care to all city residents regardless of their ability to pay
USA Today—The Milky Way may collide with another galaxy in 2 billion years
CNN.com—Iguanas reintroduced to the Galapagos Islands after being wiped out by invasive species
NBC News—APA links masculinity ideology to homophobia and misogyny
BBC News—Lin-Manuel Miranda buys bookshop in NYC

ABCnews.com—Our big baby of a president walks out of shutdown negotiations when he doesn't immediately get his way
USA Today—Scientists detect fast radio bursts from distant galaxy, which could be evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence
CNN.com—Soon-to-no-longer-be-the-world's-richest-man Jeff Bezos is divorcing his wife of 25 years
NBC News—Rod Rosenstein to leave the DOJ once Mueller completes his investigation
BBC News—Margot Robbie to star in live-action Barbie film
CBS News—Teen gets rare bronze penny in cafeteria change that could sell at auction for $1 million

CNN.com—Trump now says he never claimed Mexico would pay for his border wall direclty, despite dozens (hundreds?) of speeches stating otherwise
CBS News—Michael Cohen to testify publicly before House Oversight Committee next month
BBC News—Study finds that people over the age of 65 are more likely to share fake news stories
USA Today—Bungie to sever its relationship with Activision and will self-publish Destiny going forward
NBC News—Warrant issued for soccer star Ronaldo's DNA in Las Vegas rape case
ABCnews.com—The Sopranos getting a prequel film called The Many Saints of Newark

NBC News—Many private companies are stepping up to help out unpaid federal workers during shutdown
USA Today—Miami airport forced to partially closed due to low staffing as a result of the government shutdown
BBC News—Wisconsin police arrest 21 year old man accused of murdering a married couple and kidnapping their 13 year old daughter
CBS News—GOP senators introduce bill aimed at permanently ending government shutdowns over budget disputes
CNN.com—Bud Light will become the first beer in the US to display nutritional information on its packaging
ABCnews.com—Legally blind woman sues Beyonce because the singer's website isn't accessible to the visually impaired

NBC News—Many private companies are stepping out to help out unpaid federal workers during shutdown
CBS News—New study finds that the oceans are warming much faster than expected
BBC News—Cold Spring Harbor Lab severs all ties with Nobel winner James Watson after his latest comments about race and intelligence
ABCnews.com—A photo of an egg becomes the most-liked picture in Instagram's history
USA Today—Automakers resurrecting several discontinuted models, such as the Toyota Supra, the Ford Ranger, and the Jeep Gladiator
CNN.com—HBO announces that the first episode of Game of Thrones final season will premiere on April 14

CNN.com—Teresa May's Brexit plan suffers historic defeat in Parliament; no-confidence vote planned for tomorrow
NBC News—Confirmation hearings begin for Trumps AG nominee, who has previously criticized the Mueller investigation
ABCnews.com—New York governor bans stretch limos
CBS News—Former World Series MVP charged with child sex abuse
BBC News—Trump servers fast food on silver platters to members of national champion Clemson football team
USA Today—Chick-fil-A testing new spicy menu items for possible national rollout

NBC News—British PM narrowly survives no-confidence vote
BBC News—Massive ice disk forms in Maine river
USA Today—New birth control patch only needs to be applied for a few seconds to be effective for a whole month, and they could be produced commercially for less than $1 each
CNN.com—Netflix announces another price hike. How much of this is related to their investment in crappy original content that no one watches?
CBS News—Citigroup releases a report showing a 30% pay gap between men and women on its payroll
ABCnews.com—Steve Carrell reunites with producers of The Office for a new workplace sitcom about the creation of Trump's Space Force

CNN.com—Giuliana essentially admits that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to interefere with our election, but still insists that Trump himself didn't know about it
USA Today—DC brewery sues federal government over shutdown, saying the lack of federal workers is preventing it from shipping its beer to customers
NBC News—Facebook investing $300 million over the next three years to support local news organizations
ABCnews.com—Louisville renames its airport after Muhammad Ali
BBC News—Jason Reitman, son of Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman, to helm sequel to his father's films
CBS News—Gymboree declares bankruptcy

CNN.com—BuzzFeed reports that it has evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress
NBC News—Technology startup wants to use swarms of minisatellites to create glowing advertisements in the sky
CBS News—Devout Christian dishwasher awarded more than $20 million after being fired for refusing to work Sundays
USA Today—Researchers think Saturn has only had its iconic rings for 100 million years of its 4.5 billion year existence
ABCnews.com—Peeps releasing marshmallow flavored cereal
BBC News—Sony Music cuts ties with child molester R. Kelly

CBS News—Supreme Court declines to take up DACA case, meaning the policy will stay in place for now
CNN.com—LA teachers reach tentative deal to end strike that has lasted almost a week
USA Today—Chiefs fire defensive coordinator after AFC title game loss
NBC News—NC judge declines to certify election in disputed congressional race
ABCnews.com—France fines Google $57 million for GDPR violations
BBC News—Oscar nominees released

CBS News—Pelosi won't allow Trump to deliver a State of the Union address from the House chamber unless the government is reopened
CNN.com—Cohen postpones his testimony to Congress due to threats against his family by Trump and Giuliani
NBC News—Venezuela's president cuts diplomatic ties with US after Trump recognizes opposition leader as interim president
USA Today—Four new men accuse director Bryan Singer of having sex with them while they were minors
ABCnews.com—University mistakenly emails acceptance letters to 430 students
BBC News—New species of shark discovered in the fossil record names after Galaga video game

CNN.com—Two bills designed to end the shutdown fail to move past the Senate
NBC News—Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin spaceflight company wants to send a man into space by the end of the year
ABCnews.com—Notre Dame to cover murals depicting Christopher Columbus among submissive Native Americans
BBC News—Chrome update could disable ad blocking extensions
ABCnews.com—University mistakenly emails acceptance letters to 430 students
USA Today—Sears' creditors allege that the former CEO destroyed the company so he could buy it at a reduced price

CNN.com—Trump finally caves and signs bill to reopen government that does not include any funding for his wall
USA Today—Mueller has longtime Trump associate Roger Stone arrested as part of Russian collusion investigation
CBS News—Michigan man legally wins millions after discovering lottery loophole
ABCnews.com—Flights delayed at several major airports due to shortages of air traffic controllers caused by the shutdown
BBC News—Facebook plans to integrate WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram into a single unified messaging platform
NBC News—Former Top Chef contestant dies from cancer at 29

ABCnews.com—Report estimates that the shutdown cost the US economy $11 billion
CNN.com—US files criminal charges against Chinese tech giant Huawei
CBS News—Trump backs plan that would allow public schools to teach bible classes
USA Today—John Bolton's notepad photographed with phrase "5,000 troops to Colombia", possibily hinting at US plans for military action in Venezuela
BBC News—Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz hints at 2020 presidential run as an independent
NBC News—$1.5 trillion corporate tax cut had no effect on their spending, yet another bit in a mountain of evidence that trickle-down economics is a sham

CNN.com—New bill would make animal cruelty a federal felony
CBS News—Caddie's mistake costs pro golfer tens of thousands of dollars in prize money
NBC News—Stacey Abrams to deliver Democratic response to State of the Union
USA Today—Pregnant Lyft driver stabbed to death by her passenger
ABCnews.com—Baltimore to stop prosecuting marijuana cases
BBC News—The ending to the Kingdom Hearts 3 video game can only be accessed via download once you have completed 40 hours of gameplay

CNN.com—Pro-Russian Twitter account posts non-public info from the Mueller investigation that was only shared with defense attorneys
ABCnews.com—Georgia teen arrested for trying to steal $25 million in tax refund scam
USA Today—VA proposes new rules that would allow vets to use private healthcare
NBC News—New Beatles documentary being made by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson
BBC News—PledgeMusic artists claim the crowdfunding platform is out of money and that they haven't been paid in months
CSS News—Anti vax movement fueling measles outbreaks in Oregon and Washington

ABCnews.com—ICE admits that they have been force feeding immigrant detainees who are on hunger strikes
CBS News—Massive cavity found under Antarctic glacier, which could be a sign of rapidly rising temperatures that will lead to increased sea levels
CNN.com—Mitch McConnell calls Dem bills aimed at increasing access to voting a "power grab". Just let the implications of that sink in for a minute.
NBC News—California's largest utility company, PG&E, files for bankruptcy following last season's wildfires
USA Today—M&Ms introduce toffee, coconut, and jalapeno flavors
BBC News—Antarctic expedition aims to find Shackleton's lost ship

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