daily links: january 2007

BBC News—Wikipedia creator now working on people powered search engine to rival Google
CNN.com—US military death toll in Iraq tops 3000 over the weekend
USA Today—iTunes store overwhelmed with shoppers on Christmas
MSNBC—Denver Broncos player killed in drive-by shooting hours after playing in final game of the season
ABCnews.com—Bob Knight passes Dean Smith for all time wins in NCAA Division I men's basketball
CBS News—41 square mile ice shelf breaks off in Arctic

CNN.com—DC residents may finally get vote in congress in a deal that would also give an additional seat to Utah
USA Today—67 year old woman gives birth to twins
MSNBC—O'Hare workers say they saw a UFO hovering over the airport last fall
Fox News—Giuliani's game plan for a presidential run published in newspaper after being picked up by a rival's supporter at a campaign event
CBS News—Woman attempts to kill neighbor's dog with poison meatballs
ABCnews.com—Houston attributes rise in murder rate to Katrina evacuees

ABCnews.com—Bush calls for new Democratic congress to put aside politics, i.e., shut up and do what he says. Suck it, jackass.
Sports Illustrated—Duke invites two lacrosse players accused of sexual assault to come back to school
USA Today—Toyota developing system to detect drunken driving and slow the car to a halt
MSNBC—Wal-Mart to introduce new employee scheduling system that will have more workers manning the stores during busier hours
Fox News—Anti-war activists led by Cindy Sheehan break up press conference being given by Democrats
CNN.com—Pat Robertson says god told him there will be a mass killing in the US this year

BBC News—Amazon.com founder releases photos of his private reusable spacecraft
CNN.com—A piece of a Russian booster rocket, originally thought to have been a meteorite, may have fallen on Wyoming
USA Today—Defunct online movie service sues Apple, Google, and Napster for patent infringement
ABCnews.com—Ex-Duke lacrosse player sues Duke, saying a professor failed him because of the allegations against him
MSNBC—Legislation attached to postal bill may give the government the right to open your mail without a warrant
Fox News—12 year old special ed student charged with disorderly conduct for wetting her pants

Fox News—Army accidentally sends letters to soldiers killed in action asking them to return to service
USA Today—Pelosi may raise taxes on wealthy to fund further middle class tax cuts
ABCnews.com—Woman accused of killing her husband for insurance money to pay for breast enhancement surgery
CNN.com—New bill would permanently ban drilling in ANWR
MSNBC—Israel denies reports that it has drafted plans to strike three targets in Iran with nuclear weapons
CBS News—Two story high snowman in Alaska annoying neighbors

CBS News—Bangkok civil service office institutes afternoon nap time. This is the most awesome idea ever.
CNN.com—Hawking planning space flight in 2009 on Branson's Virgin Galactic commercial space service
USA Today—James Cameron's first feature film since Titanic due out in 2009
MSNBC—R.E.M. inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Fox News—US submarine collides with Japanese oil tanker
ABCnews.com—Inventor of instant ramen noodles dies at 96

USA Today—Apple unveils iPhone, all-in-one music player, mobile phone, and internet device with a touch screen interface
Sports Illustrated—Gwynn and Ripken inducted into Hall of Fame, but McGwire doesn't get enough votes in his first year of eligibility
MSNBC—Howard Stern gets $83 million bonus from Sirius
BBC News—Second Life releasing some code to the open source community
Fox News—Bush planning to send 20,000 additional troops to Iraq
ABCnews.com—Arnold pushing for universal healthcare in California

Fox News—Body of student who died during frat hazing defaced with homophobic slurs as he lay dying
CNN.com—Pelosi bans smoking in lobby next to House floor
USA Today—Sovreign nation on artificial island for sale at just under $1 billion
New Scientist—Self-waxing skis may improve speed on the slopes by up to 50%
MSNBC—Nicotine fix now available in hand-gel form
BBC News—EU wants member states to cut greenhouse emissions by 20% in the next 13 years

ABCnews.com—Pentagon workers warned to be on the lookout for coins concealing radio transmitters
USA Today—PS3 misses sales target and gets beat by Nintendo Wii over the holiday season
MSNBC—Texas-based pizza chain receives hate mail after offering to accept Mexican pesos as payment
CBS News—High school teacher arrested for taking inappropriate video of girls' wrestling matches
Wired News—Shatner leaks details of upcoming Star Trek movie helmed by J. J. Abrams
CNN.com—Condi admits her affection for Fox News

CBS News—Oil prices at their lowest in two years and falling
USA Today—Hong Kong not permitting pregnant women near their due dates entry into the country unless they can prove they have a medical appointment
CNN.com—Netflix to deliver movies over the internet starting this week
BBC News—World of Warcraft expansion released
ABCnews.com—Radio show canceled after woman dies from drinking too much water during contest
Fox News—Puppy sexually attacked in New Jersey

CNN.com—Bush to let FISA court oversee his warrantless wiretap program
USA Today—Apple reports record profits
New Scientist—Doomsday clock hands moved forward two minutes to reflect growing global instability
MSNBC—House cuts student loan rates in half
BBC News—Band becomes first unsigned act to crack the top 40
Fox News—Artist serves meatballs cooked in his own liposuctioned fat

MSNBC—Gingrich says he would consider 2008 presidential run if no clear Republican frontrunner emerged
CNN.com—Chavez tells the US to go to hell
USA Today—Fewer students attending first choice schools because of high costs
ABCnews.com—Judge orders OJ Simpson to limit his spending
Fox News—Man survives 16 story fall from hotel window
New Scientist—Folic acid can improve mental performance in people over 50

CNN.com—Mistrial declared after juror was found to have been drinking vodka during the trial proceedings
MSNBC—Italian court rules that downloading copyrighted material from the internet is okay as long as you don't intend to profit from it
ABCnews.com—Woman induces labor early so her husband can attend NFC championship game
USA Today—Many users will need to upgrade their PCs to install Vista
Fox News—New study finds that prison inmates live longer than those who are not incarcerated
CBS News—AIDS group sues Pfizer over Viagra ads that it claims condone recreational use of the drug

USA Today—Princeton will not raise tuition next year for the first time in four decades
MSNBC—Libby says the White House sacrificed him to protect Rove
ABCnews.com—Three teens accused of killing an Iraq vet for his tax refund
CNN.com—MySpace to distribute Amber Alerts
Fox News—29 year old sex offender enrolls in school as 12 year old
CBS News—Israel's president could face rape charges

CBS News—Ohio school district closes schools while it runs background checks on all bus drivers
USA Today—Blogger says that Microsoft wanted to pay him to edit Wikipedia entries related to the company
CNN.com—Finnish writer publishes novel written in text message speak
New Scientist—Damage to a certain part of the brain eases nicotine cravings
MSNBC—Illegal immigrant sues radio station after it refused to give her a contest prize because of her residency status
ABCnews.com—Jordanian man kills daughter because he doubted her virginity

USA Today—UNC mistakenly sends admit emails to 2700 waitlisted students
MSNBC—Nintendo's Wii will deliver AP news stories to gamers
ABCnews.com—Catholic school implements new rule that students must remain silent at lunch
CNN.com—Same sex classes are becoming more common in public schools
Fox News—Iran close to launching its own satellites
CBS News—California becomes first state to ban common dry cleaning chemical

BBC News—YouTube will share ad revenue with people who upload videos to the site
CBS News—Lieberman says he may vote Republican in 2008
New Scientist—Sunshine may trigger immune system to repair skin
ABCnews.com—Study finds that the lightness of an immigrant's skin has an effect on his earning power
Fox News—Racial profiling in airports could face scrutiny from congress
USA Today—Cell phone sales topped 1 billion in 2006

Fox News—Miami planning big party to celebrate Castro's death when he passes away
ABCnews.com—NFL bans tailgating at this year's Super Bowl
CBS News—Al Franken leaving Air America
USA Today—McDonald's ready to unveil fries cooked in trans-fat-free cooking oil
Sports Illustrated—Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro put to sleep
MSNBC—Patients undergoing radiation treatments set off dirty bomb detectors

CNN.com—Michael Dell back at the helm of the computer company that bears his name
USA Today—Al Franken to run for senate in 2008
MSNBC—US Airways withdraws hostile takeover bid for Delta
CBS News—South Dakota legislators considering another bill that would ban most abortions in the state
New Scientist—eBay bans auctions of virtual goods from games like World of Warcraft
Fox News—Texas bill would make it a crime for parents to miss teacher meetings

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