daily links: january 2008

CNN.com—On the day she was assassinated, Bhutto was to hand over report to US accusing Pakistan's intelligence service of plotting to rig the elections
USA Today—Study finds that whites are more frequently prescribed painkillers in emergency rooms
ABCnews.com—FBI makes renewed push to locate DB Cooper
MSNBC—Single bullet kills woman and girl at New Year's Eve party
Fox News—Woman forced off public bus for reading her bible aloud
BBC News—Residents of Louisiana town with 666 phone prefix allowed to change to a different number to avoid stigma of the number of the beast

CNN.com—Drivers who talk on cell phones drive slower than average and lengthen everyone else's commutes
USA Today—Scientists working on cocaine vaccine for people addicted to the drug
MSNBC—New flash drive also automatically backs up your files to the internet
Fox News—Men banned from buffet restaurant for eating too much and eating only the more expensive seafood offerings
ABCnews.com—Britney Spears' lawyers quit, calling her impossible to represent
CBS News—Man suing seven year old boy after skiing accident

USA Today—Takeout restaurants starting to accept orders via text messaging
ABCnews.com—Netflix partnering with LG on set-top box that will deliver movies directly to the consumer
Fox News—Girl accidentally hangs herself while imitating scene from a cartoon
MSNBC—Man released from jail after 26 years when DNA evidence clears him of crime he was convicted for
CBS News—Digital music sales soared in 2007
CNN.com—Historic home of Robert Frost vandalized during underage drinking party

CBS News—Intel backs out of One Laptop Per Child program only six months after joining
USA Today—Stewart and Colbert to return to the air tonight
ABCnews.com—Man arrested for digging holes on park trails meant to cause cyclists to wreck
MSNBC—GM developing driverless cars
CNN.com—12 year old beats toddler to death for crying
BBC News—A single vaccine could give lifelong protection against all strains of flu

CBS News—Bush pressuring Congress to renew No Child Left Behind despite serious criticism of the program
ABCnews.com—New study finds no link between autism and childhood vaccine
USA Today—Many troops who are openly gay are not being discharged despite the "don't ask, don't tell" policy
Fox News—Sony becomes latest major record label to sell digital tracks without DRM
CNN.com—Golden Globe awards ceremony canceled due to writers' strike
MSNBC—LSU wins national football title

MSNBC—City of Baltimore accuses Wells Fargo of predatory lending practices in poor black neighborhoods
CBS News—McDonald's to offer high-end coffees in an attempt to compete with Starbucks
Sports Illustrated—Goose Gossage elected to basebal Hall of Fame, while Mark McGwire falls short
USA Today—Hyundai ready to enter the luxury car market
Fox News—Boy glues himself to his bed to get out of going to school
ABCnews.com—Man moves into Ikea store while his apartment is being fumigated

Fox News—Man arrested after trying and failing to kill a couple four times
CBS News—Blu-Ray likely to emerge as victor in high def DVD format war
CNN.com—China manned mission to be launched later this year will include a spacewalk
MSNBC—Indian car maker unveils $2500 car
USA Today—New Spider-Man storyline undoes over two decades of storytelling
ABCnews.com—Golf Channel commentator suspended after making a suggestion that challengers to Tiger Woods' dominance should "lynch him in a back alley"

Fox News—New DHS initiative will require all Americans of a certain age to acquire new, more secure driver's licences in the next six years
BBC News—Britain moving ahead with development of new nuclear power plants to secure their energy needs for the future
CNN.com—Kerry endorses Obama, snubbing his former running mate Edwards
MSNBC—Sir Edmund Hillary dies
ABCnews.com—FBI wiretaps shut off by phone companies after the agency was late with payment
CBS News—The Fed prepares to cut interest rates again

MSNBC—FDA approves genetic test for breast cancer
Fox News—British girl hits puberty at age 6
USA Today—NCAA bans schools from using text messaging as a recruiting tool for athletes
ABCnews.com—John Edwards' daughter hit by drunk driver
CNN.com—Microsoft working to bring digital ads to shopping carts
CBS News—Man finds pearl in his plate of fried oysters

CBS News—Bush agrees to significant arms deal with Saudi Arabia. That's right, the country that produced 19 of the 20 9.11 hijackers.
USA Today—Yale becomes latest school to significantly increase financial aid to families earning up to $200,000 a year
CNN.com—Dozens of people in Texas report UFO being chased by fighter jets
MSNBC—New study finds that Columbus likely brought syphilis to the New World
ABCnews.com—Netflix to offer unlimited streaming of movies to computers
New Scientist—Garlic can help fight arsenic poisoning

CBS News—FDA says cloned meat is safe for human consumption
USA Today—Sun buys MySQL
CNN.com—Apple unveils ultra slim laptop and iTunes-based movie rental service
ABCnews.com—Playing Second Life may provide useful alternative therapy for people with Asperger's syndrome
New Scientist—Fossil of one ton rodent discovered in South America
MSNBC—Inflation in 2007 increases by largest amount in 17 years

Fox News—Man sues hospital after undergoing forced rectal exam
CNN.com—Japanese whaling crew accused of holding anti-whaling activists against their will
USA Today—Boeing 787 Dreamliner launch delayed again
CBS News—Ex-Congressman accused of having ties to al-Qaeda
MSNBC—Man arrested for taping football jersey to seven year old son
BBC News—Ike Turner died from cocaine overdose

USA Today—Two scientists claim they have created embryonic clones of themselves
MSNBC—State regulators investigating Allstate tell the insurance company to stop writing policies in Florida
Fox News—Former lawmaker sentenced to 44 years in prison for raping two foster daughters
CNN.com—FDA says no cough syrup for children 2 or younger
ABCnews.com—Directors Guild reaches deal with major film and television studios
CBS News—Man dies after being tasered by police

ABCnews.com—Florida banks adopt dress code for customers that forbids hats, hoods, and sunglasses
MSNBC—EU argues that IP address is personal information that should be protected under data privacy regulations
USA Today—Michigan will no longer issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens
Fox News—London mansion sells for record $94 million
BBC News—EA to release online version of popular game supported only by ads and micropayments
CBS News—LA Times editor fired after refusing to make staff cuts

Fox News—Heath Ledger found dead in his New York apartment
USA Today—DNA evidence frees Colorado man who had served nine years of a life sentence
CNN.com—Fred Thompson bows out of the presidential race
CBS News—Only 71% of Army recruits had a high school diploma last year, far short of the Army's goal of 90%
MSNBC—NYC wants fast food chains to display calorie information for all of their menu items
BBC News—Federal Reserve makes emergency rate cut amidst fears of global recession

ABCnews.com—Virgin Galactic unveils SpaceShipTwo, expected to be the first privately owned vehicle to carry commercial passengers into space
CNN.com—Man gets through TSA screening at Reagan National Airport with loaded gun
MSNBC—Nuclear plants in the southeast could be forced to shut down due to the drought
CBS News—Rocket in display at museum was found to still be live
USA Today—Starbucks testing $1 coffee and free refills
Fox News—Woman faces prison for cutting down protected trees to improve the view from her home

USA Today—Scientists create synthetic genome
Fox News—Los Angeles museums raided as feds search for illegally obtained artifacts
CNN.com—Philadelphia couple paint expletives on roof to protest altered flight paths which bring jets directly over their house
MSNBC—Kucinich drops out of presidential race
ABCnews.com—Grand Theft Auto IV to be released this spring
CBS News—Russian woman returns home to find her house destroyed by construction workers who were supposed to demolish a nearby house

Fox News—Helmet that emits infra-red light could reverse Alzheimer's symptoms
ABCnews.com—Man electrocutes his wife during sex
MSNBC—Brazillian model wants to set world record for number of plastic surgeries
CBS News—eBay CEO to retire
CNN.com—US spy satellite has stopped functioning and will fall to Earth sometime in the next two months
USA Today—Animal testers look for high tech alternatives to rats

New Scientist—Bones suggest that cavemen wore boots
CNN.com—TSA agent gets fake bomb through airport security
USA Today—US cancels plan to give anti-radiation pills to people who live near nuclear plants
Fox News—NY state archivist accused of pilfering historic documents and selling them on eBay
MSNBC—WGA will allow its members to work on Grammys
ABCnews.com—Hackers hit Scientology web site

MSNBC—Damage to underwater cable cuts internet to the middle east
CNN.com—Mukasey refuses to discuss legality waterboarding with congressional committee
USA Today—Domino's unveils tracking system that lets you follow the progress of your pizza delivery
Fox News—Edwards dropping out of the presidential race
ABCnews.com—Johan Santana going to Mets
CBS News—Yahoo to lay off 1000 workers

CNN.com—Sylvester Stallone says he used HGH to get in shape for new Rambo movie and that in 10 years it will be available over the counter
USA Today—Giuliani drops out of presidential race and endorses McCain
ABCnews.com—Three frat brothers charged in alcohol-related death of freshman at Clemson
MSNBC—Volunteer DJ at community radio station sets fire to the building after his playlist was changed without his authorization
CBS News—Afghan reporter to be put to death for insulting to Islam by distributing an article to a journalism class that asked why men can have multiple spouses but women cannot
Fox News—Judge rules that Army Corps of Engineers is immune from Katrina-related lawsuits

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